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Carlos André Simões, a man who was with Marcos Braz during the fight at the mall and was also accused of attacking the Flamengo fan

Photo: Flamengo
Photo: Flamengo


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According to MRN, Carlos André Simões, the man who was present at the fight in the shopping mall alongside Marcos Braz, director of Flamengo, and who He was also accused of attacking a club fan, has a history that raises concerns. Simões, in the not too distant past, was convicted of a series of crimes, which raises questions about his conduct and involvement in controversial situations.

The conviction of Carlos André Simões covers a range of crimes that include conspiracy, embezzlement, illegal harassment, forgery of a private document and use of a false document. This list of accusations raises serious doubts about his integrity and his past actions. The conviction for conspiracy suggests that Simões was involved in criminal activities that involved collaboration with other individuals for illicit purposes. This type of crime normally indicates a high degree of planning and participation in organized criminal activities.

Embezzlement is another serious crime that Simões has on his record. This offense involves the practice of deceiving or deceiving other people to obtain financial advantages in a dishonest way. This raises concerns about his ethics and character, especially regarding financial matters. Illegal restraint is a crime that involves coercing or forcing someone to do something against their will, often with threats or violence. Simões' involvement in this type of crime is alarming and suggests a pattern of aggressive behavior.

Forgery of a private document and the use of a false document are crimes that involve the creation or use of false documents to deceive or obtain illegal advantages. These crimes can have serious consequences and indicate a willingness to act dishonestly. The presence of Carlos André Simões alongside Marcos Braz in the episode of the mall fight and the accusations of assault on a Flamengo fan are worrying, especially considering his criminal history. This raises the question of how individuals with criminal records are involved in positions close to the world of sport and media.

It is important to highlight that all individuals have the right to the presumption of innocence until proven otherwise, and Simões' past accusations should not be used to judge him in the present. However, it is critical that authorities investigate these recent mall brawl and fan assault incidents rigorously to determine the truth behind them.
The presence of individuals with criminal histories in sports and entertainment settings It can damage the reputation of institutions and raise questions about the safety of fans and the general public.

It is the responsibility of authorities, sporting organizations and society in general to ensure that such incidents are dealt with fairly and appropriately. Furthermore, it is essential that there is transparency and accountability in the handling of such situations. The actions of sports authorities and organizations must be based on solid evidence and due process, ensuring that all parties involved receive fair and impartial treatment.

Ultimately, the story of Carlos André Simões and his involvement in recent incidents of violence should serve as a reminder of the importance of maintaining high standards of conduct and ethics in all aspects of society, including the world of sport. The integrity and safety of those involved must be a priority, and justice must be sought impartially and equitably in all cases.


"Respect is the feeling..." Flamengo has Tite's words echoed behind the scenes with the fans

The club has a different point of view from the coach



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In an interview given after the defeat of Flamengoto Peñarol, 1-0, coach Tite was direct in responding to the boos received by the fans. The statement, marked by a frank tone, exposed the coach's pragmatic vision in relation to demanding fans and the pressure for results. “I respect the fans’ feelings. Of course I feel that (the boos), I'm human”, said Tite, recognizing the fans' frustration in the face of the setback.

Tite's speech reveals that he understands the role of fans as a fundamental part in the context of a club, especially in a team of great expression like Flamengo. By mentioning that the boos affect him as a human being, the coach demonstrates empathy, but does not fail to highlight that the only way to reverse this situation is with achievements on the field. “It can only be reversed in one way”, pointed out the coach.


The response reflects the experience of Titein dealing with pressure who follows the command of great teams in Brazilian football. With successful spells at clubs such as Corinthians, Grêmio and the Brazilian national team itself, the coach has a track record that puts him in a position to understand, perhaps like few others, the relationship between performance on the field and fans' expectations. For him, this connection is clear: “Do you know how to win fans? Do you know how I won over the fans of the other clubs I played for? Win an important title”, he declared.

The phrase highlights the centrality of titles in football, especially in mass clubs like Flamengo. In Brazil, the culture of results is intense, and Tite recognizes that fans have a limited tolerance for negative results. Winning titles, for him, is the key to gaining the support of the fans, and anything other than that results in discontent: “If not, bye.”

This last part of Tite's speech summarizes the characteristic impatience of demanding fans like Flamengo. The coach makes it clear that, without obtaining relevant trophies, the relationship with the fans deteriorates quickly. The pressure is constant and is part of the daily life of those who take on the leadership of top teams. Tite seems, however, to be aware of this scenario and how it needs to be faced.


Flamengo fans flock to Tite's comments on social media after the defeat

The club has its greatest moment of inconstancy



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Tite's statement came after a delicate moment for Flamengo. The defeat to Peñarol, at home, in a group stage match of the Copa Libertadores, raised alarm bells for fans and the coaching staff. Flamengo had high expectations for the season, especially after major reinforcements and the arrival of Tite, a coach with wide recognition on the national and international scene.

The pressure on Flamengo is nothing new. The club, which has one of the biggest fans in the world, is known for its high expectations for titles. The expensive squad, made up of renowned players, also increases this demand. Each stumble is widely covered by the media and amplifies the dissatisfaction of part of the fans, who demand immediate results.


The Copa Libertadores, in particular, has a important meaning for Flamengo and its fans. The continental tournament is seen as one of the club's main objectives each season. Any result other than victory can generate dissatisfaction and pressure on the technical committee, as occurred after the setback against Peñarol.

In this context, Tite's speech not only recognizes the fans' dissatisfaction, but also is realistic in relation to what is expected from a club like Flamengo. The demand for titles is part of the package when taking over a club of this size, and the coach seems to be aware of this when he points out that he will only be able to win the support of the fans with significant victories.



The search for an internal solution marks the reaction after images of an incident with a fan

Photo: Internet
Photo: Internet


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Flamengo's board finds itself at a crossroads after the release of images showing the club's vice-president of football, Marcos Braz, involved in a fight with fan Leandro Campos. The incident, which occurred during Braz's time off, provoked different reactions among members of the top red-black leadership.

While a large part of the board expresses its unconditional support for Marcos Braz, highlighting the importance of the vice-president In Flamengo's sporting and administrative scenario, a minority faction suggests a provisional departure during the process. This wing, although concerned with the club's image, avoids a belligerent stance internally.

The predominant consensus among directors is that Marcos Braz's attitude, although questionable, does not justify an immediate dismissal from the position he holds . They claim that the episode of violence is not directly related to their duties at the club and that the leader's stance on Flamengo's premises is exemplary.

One of the board members, who prefers to remain anonymous, stated: " The club has nothing to do with the situation, and Marcos (Braz) was even off that day." The statement reflects the position of the majority of directors, who seek to dissociate Flamengo's image from the incident carried out by Marcos Braz.

The issue becomes delicate given the visibility and prestige that Flamengo has achieved in recent years . The fans, passionate and demanding, are closely watching the outcome of this episode, eager for a solution that maintains balance and stability on and off the field.

The club, aware of the repercussions, seeks, through its representatives, reaffirm their commitment to the values ​​that Flamengo values. The management emphasizes the importance of handling the situation with balance, transparency and justice, aiming to preserve institutional integrity. Uncertainty hovers over Marcos Braz's immediate future, while the board seeks to reconcile different internal perspectives and offer a response that meets the fans' desires and the responsibility that the position demands.

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