

Find out treatment options for the condition of Flamengo fans

Yasmin Brunet / Disclosure
Yasmin Brunet / Disclosure


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Model and businesswoman Yasmin Brunet spoke about lipedema and binge eating, this Wednesday (24), during Globo's “Encontro” program. Her two health problems were revealed to the public during her participation in the most recent edition of Big Brother Brasil (BBB). “Compulsion never comes alone. So, it's depression, it's anxiety... I've been dealing with it since I was 13 years old. I imagined that, when I entered the house, my compulsion would appear because there was a lot of stress and anxiety”, said Yasmin.

Regarding the lipedema, Yasmin said that she felt a lot of pain and discomfort and, after leaving the house, she sought medical help for deal with the condition. “There [in confinement] she was horrible. She felt a lot of pain, discomfort and pressure. My leg became huge. When I left, I found an incredible doctor who is helping me a lot”, said the model.

The businesswoman said that, in principle, she does not intend to undergo surgery to control lipedema and that her first alternative is following an anti-inflammatory diet. Lipedema is characterized by the uneven distribution of fat in the body, which generally accumulates in the legs, thighs, hips and, sometimes, the arms. Women are the most affected by lipedema.

According to plastic surgeon Fernando Amato, there are several possible interventions to control the problem. “Surgery should be a last resort and is only indicated when there is no improvement in the condition with therapeutic treatments and stabilization of symptoms”, he points out.

Non-impact exercises, such as water aerobics, are great options for patients. patients. Lymphatic drainage and elastic compression help relieve symptoms. A ketogenic diet or one with restrictions on foods with inflammatory properties has good results in controlling symptoms. Medications There are no specific medications for lipedema, however, some herbal medicines can help improve symptoms. Surgical treatment should be the last option. Only after trying clinical treatment and, preferably showing some improvement, even if partial, should liposuction be indicated.


Dado Dolabella pronounces on possible reconciliation with Wanessa Camargo

The singer and actor talked about his breakup with the singer and stressed that he still feels affection for the former partner, besides talking about the rumors that left

Dado Dolabella talked about her ending with the singer and stressed that she still feels affection for her former partner (reproduction/ Instagram)
Dado Dolabella talked about her ending with the singer and stressed that she still feels affection for her former partner (reproduction/ Instagram)


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Dado Dolabella granted an interview for Leodias TV last Wednesday (12) and was questioned by the journalist about the rumors of a possible reconciliation with the singer Wanessa Camargo. 0, 24); "> In his answer, the singer made a point of clarifying that both decided to give 'a time in the relationship and emphasized that there is a mutual affection between them. Given also denied the rumors that it would have been seen taking a pool bath with wanessa , but admitted that he was recently in a supermarket near the condominium of the house where he lived with the singer.

When commenting on the rumors of a possible reconciliation with Wanessa , Dado highlighted her feeling for the singer: “Since when we decided to give this time to think about our relationship, we didn't stop being friends, you know? We did not stop talking. ”

“ These things that come out in the press… came out a lot of crazy, a lot of lie, a lot that didn't even happen. I have Wanessa in a special place stored in my heart, and it will be forever, the rest of my life. We lived a beautiful story, and I respect Wanessa a lot and honor our story a lot. ”


Camargo From your relationship with Dado Dolabella during the show of singer Shakira in Rio de Janeiro. Upon being approached by Portal Leo Dias, she stated: “That's it, yes, but no one is ready to know yet. No one in my family knows, my children, ”he said at the time.


Oruam shows a visit to his father, trafficker Marcinho VP, in prison

In the images, the musician emerged accompanied by other members of his family. He showed that he chose an all-pink outfit for a visit to his father

Oruam's father, Marcinho VP, is appointed as one of the leaders of the Comando Vermelho (CV) faction. Photo: Reproduction/Internet
Oruam's father, Marcinho VP, is appointed as one of the leaders of the Comando Vermelho (CV) faction. Photo: Reproduction/Internet


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Oruam, 24, showed a visit to the father, Marcinho VP, in a prison. The funkeiro showed records of his trip to the Federal Prison of Campo Grande, in Mato Grosso do Sul. "He left visit my father," wrote the singer in an Instagram post. 24); "> In the images, the musician emerged accompanied by other members of his family. He showed that he chose an all pink outfit for his father's visit. Oruam's father, Marcinho VP, is appointed as one of the leaders of the Comando Vermelho (CV) faction. He has been detained for over 16 years after being prosecuted and convicted of drug trafficking and homicide.

ORUAM itself had problems with the police and was detained after giving a "wooden horse" on the street. The musician was filed for dangerous direction and by driving the vehicle with CNH suspended. After paying the bail of $ 60,000, he was released and announced his new album, "Freedom".

less than a week later, Oruam was arrested once again. The rapper was filed for favoring, for housing police fugitive. He was released by the crime to have low offensive potential and for committing to appear in court.


Thales Bretas reveals 'demand' made by her children with Paulo Gustavo and involving Flamengo

The dermatologist, who is turning 37 on Thursday (13), also showed what was prepared by the boys this morning

Thales Bretas, a dermatologist, who is turning 37 on Thursday (13), where she showed what was prepared (reproduction/ Instagram)
Thales Bretas, a dermatologist, who is turning 37 on Thursday (13), where she showed what was prepared (reproduction/ Instagram)


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Thales Bretas woke up with one day beyond special. This Thursday (13), the dermatologist is turning 37 and gained a surprise prepared by the children, Romeo and Gael , both 5 years. In his Instagram Stories, Paulo Gustavo's widower showed everything the boys have prepared and also the gift they earned from the little ones. They put bladders around the bed and prepared birthday cards for him. The surprise, however, was just starting.

When you arrived in the kitchen, the doctor came across more bladders and a superfofa breakfast table, with cake, sweets and other foods and drinks: "I woke up with this table," said Thales with emojis with emojis. Heart.

Flamengo cloak as a gift

Flamengo .

"The only requirement was me putting this clothes from Flamengo, right, son? Thales asked Gael's help to film the back of the shirt, showing that they put his name written on his clothes. "My gift! 'Intimated' to be a flamencoist," said the dermatologist.


BBB 25: Daniele Hypolito's husband sends a message by his Fifi's showcase

BBB 25: Daniele Hypolito's husband sends a message by his Fifi's showcase


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Karoline Lima follows Fluminense x Flamengo with 'Lucky Bag' and shares on social networks

Karoline Lima follows Fluminense x Flamengo with 'Lucky Bag' and shares on social networks


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Party at BBB 25 will have shows by Seu Jorge, Alcione and Flor, as well as themed scenery and playful play

Party at BBB 25 will have shows by Seu Jorge, Alcione and Flor, as well as themed scenery and playful play


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