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Auction rules establish guidelines that Flamengo will have to follow in matters of mobility, environmental, social development and architecture



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The notice published this Tuesday (9) by Rio City Hall, in addition to establishing the price for acquiring the land and the schedule for carrying out the work, it also detailed the requirements that the winner of the auction on the Gasologista land will have must be met to justify the expropriation of the land by public auction.Following are the requirements:Urban Mobility Plan

“The project must be accompanied by an Urban Mobility Plan, which should cover solutions for public access that favor the use of public transport and pedestrian access in mediations (last mile model), as well as measures to adapt the new travel generating hub to existing urban road connections and the corresponding traffic location.

The Urban Mobility Plan must consider, mainly, the entire area of ​​influence of the stations and terminals of the implemented transport modes, mainly: the metro, rail and road, with emphasis on the Intermodal Terminal Gentiliza and the Rio Bus Station. The project will obligatorily consider the access of individual passenger transport vehicles through the internal roads of the São Cristóvão neighborhood, their access being prohibited via Avenida Francisco Bicalho.”

Accessibility and building- garage

“The project must guarantee integration of special equipment with public transport networks, including buses, subways, trains and VLT. The project must provide for the development of wide and accessible sidewalks, in addition to cycle paths that connect the special equipment to nearby residential and commercial areas.

The implementation of the project must provide for the design of sufficient parking, preferably underground or in garage building to minimize land occupation. Consider and design all locations with access by private vehicles, whether taxis or app-based transport vehicles. Execute road and geometric designs that restrict the freedom of motor vehicles as much as possible, to gain area for pedestrian circulation.”

Social Development Plan

“The enterprise must be accompanied by Social Reach Plan, which covers everything from the implementation of the special equipment to its operation, its impacts on the surrounding populations and communities, prioritizing the hiring of local labor, professional qualification projects and sports and cultural education. In the event that calendars or cultural events are held, the equipment must allocate a portion of the box office of these events for popular access, in accordance with specific legislation.”


“Implementation of the enterprise it will be accompanied by the participation of segments of civil society, primarily, but not limited to those representing the surrounding communities, the interested party and the contracting agent, within the scope of consultation(s) and/or public hearing(s). To achieve this guideline, the interested party must publicize the projects, memorials and other

documents related to the project, and the contracting agent is responsible for demanding and regulating their compliance.”

Environmental issues

“The design of complementary projects for special equipment, considering its impacts on the generation of solid waste, sanitation services, watercourses and water bodies, drainage and water management systems rainwater, must incorporate solutions that aim to compensate or mitigate them, in accordance with applicable technical standards, best practices and current legislation. The interested party must be responsible for any relocation of gas networks located on the land.”

Energy efficiency

“It will be up to the interested party to provide for the incorporation of solar panels and other energy sources renewable energy to supply the equipment and provide energy to the surrounding area. In addition, high-efficiency LED lighting and automated control systems should be used to reduce energy consumption.

The creation of electrical microgrids that integrate various sources of renewable energy should be planned, allowing for greater energy resilience . It will be up to the interested party to implement, preferably, strategies to make the equipment carbon neutral, including carbon offsets and the use of renewable energy.”

Waste management, water resources and air quality

“Implementation of a robust system for selective collection and recycling of waste, as well as dock areas for garbage collection.

Installation, preferably, of rainwater capture and reuse systems for irrigation of lawns and use in toilets, as long as they are approved by environmental agencies. Low water consumption devices must be used in bathrooms and changing rooms.

The integration of vegetation into the project must be promoted, such as vertical gardens and, preferably, green roofs, to improve air quality and reduce ambient temperature.”

Architecture integrated into the site

“The design of the special equipment must provide for the evaluation of aspects relating to cultural heritage and the landscape, taking into account the enhancement of its architectural aspects and buildings with the ambience elements of their surroundings, especially the characteristics of the Bairro Imperial de São Cristóvão, as well as the proximity to Guanabara Bay.”

Stores, museums and restaurants< “The interested party must promote the coexistence of different uses around the special equipment, such as shops, museums, restaurants, bars and services, public and private, as a measure of urban activation. The project must foresee the development of the use of the equipment, favoring work with an urban vision of 24 hours of usefulness, every day of the week.”

Experience zones with thematic areas around them must be foreseen. of equipment, which offer additional entertainment, such as interactive museums and gaming areas.”

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Watch live- National Pro-Volleyball Club Cup | Sesc RJ Flamengo x Unilife

Our red and black teams face the first challenge of the season



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Our girls from Sesc RJ Flamengo face Unilife, in the National Cup of Pro-Vôlei Clubs. You watch the game here, live and with images: