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Mais Querido is about to take a bold step in the market, planning a surprising salary increase for its star, with the possibility of renewing his contract for two more seasons.

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Photo: Internet


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According to Julio Miguel Neto, Flamengo, one of the most popular and successful clubs in Brazil, is about to make a decision that promises to shake up the world of football. According to internal sources at the club, the board is planning a substantial increase in the salary of one of its main stars, #BrunoHenrique. Currently, the player receives a monthly salary of approximately R$1.3 million, and the proposal under discussion involves increasing this amount to approximately R$1.8 million per month, in addition to extending the contract for another two seasons.

The news caught on everyone by surprise, especially given the challenging economic scenario that Brazilian football has faced in recent years. However, Flamengo demonstrates confidence in its ability to afford this significant increase in #BrunoHenrique's salary, who has been one of the team's highlights in recent seasons. It is important to highlight that, according to the information obtained, the club has no intention of paying diluted gloves in the new contract. This means that the player would receive the additional amount directly in his monthly salary, which would increase his remuneration considerably.

The optimism of Flamengo's directors regarding this favorable outcome is evident. The renewal of #BrunoHenrique's contract would represent a vote of confidence in his ability to continue contributing to the club's success. Furthermore, maintaining such a talented player is essential for the continuity of Flamengo's sporting project.

Behind the scenes, it is speculated that the negotiation also involves other elements, such as bonuses for goals achieved and awards for titles won. This is all part of Flamengo's effort to keep its squad competitive and ambitious. The red and black fans, who have always had a special affection for #BrunoHenrique, received the news with enthusiasm on social media. Many club fans expressed their support for the player's contract renewal and highlighted his importance for the team.

On the other hand, some critics question Flamengo's decision amid a scenario of financial uncertainty in Brazilian football. They argue that investing so much in a single player can be risky, especially if sporting results do not live up to expectations. However, Flamengo's board seems willing to take this risk, trusting in #BrunoHenrique's ability to continue shining on the pitch and contributing to winning important titles.

#BrunoHenrique's future at Flamengo is still is not completely defined, as negotiations are ongoing. However, the current scenario suggests that the player is closer to remaining at the club for longer, which is a reason for celebration for the red and black fans. In short, Flamengo is willing to significantly increase #BrunoHenrique's salary and extend his contract for another two seasons. This decision, if confirmed, will have an important impact on the Brazilian football scene and on the club's aspirations to win titles and maintain its prominent position on the national and international sporting scene. The fans eagerly await a positive outcome of the negotiations and the continuation of this chapter in the club's history.


"Respect is the feeling..." Flamengo has Tite's words echoed behind the scenes with the fans

The club has a different point of view from the coach



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In an interview given after the defeat of Flamengoto Peñarol, 1-0, coach Tite was direct in responding to the boos received by the fans. The statement, marked by a frank tone, exposed the coach's pragmatic vision in relation to demanding fans and the pressure for results. “I respect the fans’ feelings. Of course I feel that (the boos), I'm human”, said Tite, recognizing the fans' frustration in the face of the setback.

Tite's speech reveals that he understands the role of fans as a fundamental part in the context of a club, especially in a team of great expression like Flamengo. By mentioning that the boos affect him as a human being, the coach demonstrates empathy, but does not fail to highlight that the only way to reverse this situation is with achievements on the field. “It can only be reversed in one way”, pointed out the coach.


The response reflects the experience of Titein dealing with pressure who follows the command of great teams in Brazilian football. With successful spells at clubs such as Corinthians, Grêmio and the Brazilian national team itself, the coach has a track record that puts him in a position to understand, perhaps like few others, the relationship between performance on the field and fans' expectations. For him, this connection is clear: “Do you know how to win fans? Do you know how I won over the fans of the other clubs I played for? Win an important title”, he declared.

The phrase highlights the centrality of titles in football, especially in mass clubs like Flamengo. In Brazil, the culture of results is intense, and Tite recognizes that fans have a limited tolerance for negative results. Winning titles, for him, is the key to gaining the support of the fans, and anything other than that results in discontent: “If not, bye.”

This last part of Tite's speech summarizes the characteristic impatience of demanding fans like Flamengo. The coach makes it clear that, without obtaining relevant trophies, the relationship with the fans deteriorates quickly. The pressure is constant and is part of the daily life of those who take on the leadership of top teams. Tite seems, however, to be aware of this scenario and how it needs to be faced.


Flamengo fans flock to Tite's comments on social media after the defeat

The club has its greatest moment of inconstancy



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Tite's statement came after a delicate moment for Flamengo. The defeat to Peñarol, at home, in a group stage match of the Copa Libertadores, raised alarm bells for fans and the coaching staff. Flamengo had high expectations for the season, especially after major reinforcements and the arrival of Tite, a coach with wide recognition on the national and international scene.

The pressure on Flamengo is nothing new. The club, which has one of the biggest fans in the world, is known for its high expectations for titles. The expensive squad, made up of renowned players, also increases this demand. Each stumble is widely covered by the media and amplifies the dissatisfaction of part of the fans, who demand immediate results.


The Copa Libertadores, in particular, has a important meaning for Flamengo and its fans. The continental tournament is seen as one of the club's main objectives each season. Any result other than victory can generate dissatisfaction and pressure on the technical committee, as occurred after the setback against Peñarol.

In this context, Tite's speech not only recognizes the fans' dissatisfaction, but also is realistic in relation to what is expected from a club like Flamengo. The demand for titles is part of the package when taking over a club of this size, and the coach seems to be aware of this when he points out that he will only be able to win the support of the fans with significant victories.


Bruno Henrique's physical situation "called alert" to Flamengo's committee - Tite says

The coach expressed sadness over the mistake made



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The coach of Flamengo, Tite, addressed the physical situation of Uruguayan midfielder De La Cruz after being asked about his absence in a recent clash. Tite was direct in stating that De La Cruz was not in adequate physical condition to participate in the match. Concern for the players' health and recovery was a central point in his explanation.

To illustrate the importance of adequate recovery, Tite mentioned the cases of players Bruno Henrique and Cebolinha, who recently returned from significant injuries . Both athletes underwent a recovery process that prioritized long-term health, avoiding the risk of worsening injuries.


Bruno Henrique, one of the highlights do Flamengo, suffered a serious injury that sidelined him for a long period. His recovery was closely monitored by the club's medical team, who sought to ensure he was fully fit before returning to action. The gradual and controlled return to training and competitions was essential to avoid relapses.

Cebolinha, another important player for the squad, also went through a rigorous recovery process. His return was carefully planned to ensure he was in peak physical shape without compromising his health and future performance. Tite highlighted that, as in the case of Bruno Henrique, the priority was always the athlete's health.



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