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The controversy surrounding the inclusion of a red stripe on Flamengo's uniforms reaches a crucial point, marking the club's board agenda.

Photo: Flamengo
Photo: Flamengo


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The controversy surrounding the red belt, a demand from President Landim, reaches a new chapter with the scheduling of a voting date in Flamengo's council. The original project presented by the material supplier did not include the adornment in question, generating a fierce debate about the addition of the red stripe to the club's clothing. The initial proposal, which is now subject to board approval, raises questions about the influence of leadership of president Landim in the club's aesthetic decisions. The red adornment, which has become a point of contention, represents not only a visual change, but also the tension between tradition and innovation in the sporting context.

According to Coluna do Fla, The vote scheduled for the day November 27th will be crucial in determining the fate of the red stripe. Council members will be responsible for evaluating not only the aesthetics of the proposal, but also its symbolic and historical impact for Flamengo. The decision will have repercussions not only on the players' uniforms, but also on the club's visual identity, which is deeply rooted in its rich history.

President Landim, a tireless defender of the inclusion of the red stripe, argues that the change is necessary to modernize Flamengo's image, keeping it in line with contemporary trends in sports design. On the other hand, some board members express concerns about the mischaracterization of the club's traditional identity and the potential reaction from fans.

The debate over the red stripe goes beyond the aesthetic aspect; is a reflection on how traditions are maintained and adapted in the ever-evolving sporting landscape. While some see the move as a natural evolution, others fear it could compromise fans' authenticity and emotional connection to the club. The vote scheduled for November will not only decide on the inclusion of the red stripe, but also shed light on the dynamics internal member of the Flamengo board. It will be a test of the organization's ability to balance the president's innovative vision with respect for tradition and the voice of members and fans.

In addition, the decision will have practical implications, as the change in the club's uniforms team can affect the identification of players on the field and the global perception of the Flamengo brand. Careful management of this transition is essential to avoid unnecessary tensions between the board, players and, above all, fans. The red stripe, a symbol of a proposed change, is about to become a landmark in Flamengo's recent history. If approved, it will represent a significant change in the club's aesthetics; If rejected, it will be a testament to the ongoing commitment to preserving the roots and values ​​that have shaped Flamengo's successful trajectory over the years.

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The Sinergia Rubro-Negra Group (SRN), made up of influential partners from Flamengo, held a meeting last Saturday (7), at the club's headquarters, located in Gávea. The main objective of the meeting was to promote fraternization among the participants, but, inevitably, club politics ended up dominating the discussions throughout the event.

The main topic that emerged during the meeting was the support of the SRN to Rodrigo Dunshee's candidacy for president of Flamengo. Dunshee, who currently holds the position of general and legal vice-president of the club, is a prominent figure in the red-black political scene. The group, made up of members who share an aligned vision regarding the club's management, sees in Dunshee a name prepared to take over Flamengo's leadership, especially considering the upcoming electoral cycle.


During the event, members of the SRN highlighted Dunshee's role in the current administration, remembering that he was a fundamental player in several legal achievements of the Flamengo in recent years. The group believes that his experience and proximity to the club's internal processes make him the ideal candidate to succeed current president Rodolfo Landim, whose tenure ends at the end of his term. 

Although the initial objective of the meeting was a celebration between the partners, it was inevitable that the conversations turned to Flamengo's political future. The club's presidential elections are approaching, and political groups are already beginning to articulate support and strategies. The SRN, being a strong group within the red-black political structure, has stood out for its organization and capacity to mobilize members.

Those present discussed, among other topics, the possible implications of a possible Dunshee's candidacy. His name has been circulating among members for some time, but now, with the explicit support of the SRN, his candidacy is gaining strength. The members highlighted that Dunshee is a name of continuity, someone who is already part of the current management and deeply knows the challenges and needs of the club. This, in the group's view, represents a positive point, as Dunshee could continue the projects started under the Landim administration.


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Flamengo continues to debate whether to look for a replacement for Pedro, a striker who is recovering from an injury. The decision is complex, involving several variables ranging from the financial cost to the availability of players on the market. One of the main points under discussion is the high cost of a possible replacement. The club is aware that signing a center forward may require a significant investment, something that needs to be carefully evaluated within the team's current budget.

In addition, Flamengofaces the challenge of downtime of players available on the market. Many of the center forwards who are free for transfer come from long periods without playing, with recent injuries or prolonged absence from the field. This situation represents a risk, as the integration of a player who is not in the rhythm of the game may take longer and be less effective initially.


The club is also considering the limited number of viable options on the market. The scarcity of attackers who meet the criteria required by Flamengo – both in terms of quality and physical readiness – is a factor that further complicates the search for a suitable replacement. 

In this scenario, the management of Flamengo assesses whether signing a new player is the best solution or whether there are viable alternatives to deal with Pedro's absence, such as adjusting the tactical formation or promoting youth players. The final decision is still being studied, and the club needs to carefully consider all aspects before making a decision.


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Rodolfo Landim, current president of Flamengo, accepted the proposal to take on the role of CEO of the club if Rodrigo Dunshee is elected to the presidency in the next elections. This decision, according to information confirmed by both Landim and Dunshee, marks a new phase of leadership at Flamengo, with the aim of maintaining continuity of management and strengthening the club's organizational structure.

Initially, Landim had plans to run for the position of president of the Deliberative Council of Flameng It is an important body within the club's political structure. However, Dunshee's invitation to take over as CEO changed his plans. This change can be seen as a strategy to boost the club's future, taking advantage of Landim's experience in managing and leading Flamengo in recent years.


The role of CEO at Flamengo is a position that involves the responsibility of directly managing the club's operations and administration. With this choice, Dunshee seeks to combine Landim's experience with the desire to implement new ideas in charge of Flamengo, if he wins the elections. By accepting the invitation, Landim demonstrates that he is committed to continuing his work, even if in a role other than the presidency.

During the period in which he was in charge of Flamengo as president, Landim was responsible for achievements important, both on and off the field. Under his management, the club was successful in several competitions and achieved significant financial stability, in addition to making strategic investments that strengthened the club's squad and infrastructure. His administrative experience, therefore, is seen as an important asset for Dunshee, who seeks to continue the work that has been carried out.

Rodrigo Dunshee, current general and legal vice-president of Flamengo, it is a name of relevance in the club's political scene. Known for his work in defending Flamengo's legal interests and for his closeness to Landim, Dunshee is seen as a candidate who intends to maintain the management line of recent years, but also bring innovations. His project for the club includes the modernization of several sectors and strengthening the membership base.



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