

O Mais Querido has several historical references involving indigenous peoples; To celebrate the date, these facts were published

Urubu's Nest / Disclosure
Urubu's Nest / Disclosure


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This Friday (19), “Indigenous Peoples Day” is celebrated, and Flamengo took the opportunity to highlight the indigenous references in the club’s history. Through the official Instagram account, Mengão wrote a message to those who were part of red-black history and elucidated indigenous facts that contributed to the club: “Flamengo's history is marked by moments inspired by indigenous traditions. On this April 19th, we thank you for so much contribution to the country and ask for attention to the cause of the original peoples”, he wrote.

In total, Mais Querido listed three important facts related to the indigenous community and which are part of the history of Flamengo in some way.

Everyone knows that Flamengo is extremely traditional in Rowing, what many don't know is that the club has baptized the boats used in competitions with indigenous names since 1896, as a way of of tribute. In the post made on Instagram, Mengão cited examples such as: “Aimoré, Iaci, Irerê, Cecy and Tymbira”.

Another relevant fact that links the history of Mengão to the indigenous people is the place where the Gávea, Mais Querido’s main headquarters. This is because the headquarters is on the banks of Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, which many years ago was called “Lagoa de Sacopenapã”.

The third fact mentioned by Flamengo in its networks is the origin of the word that forms the mascot and symbol of the Gávea team. According to what was published by the club, the word Urubu has an etymology from Tupi-Guarani.

The prefix “Uru”, in Tupi, means “large bird”, while the suffix “Bu”, means black. Therefore, there was a merger and the name of the bird is Urubu in Portuguese.



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