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Rodrigo Dunshee is leader in voting intention research among Flamengo members

Landim's VP supported by Landim appears with 40% in the survey

Photo: Reproduction/ Flamengo
Photo: Reproduction/ Flamengo


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Flamengo is in an election year. In this way, the pre-candidates for the club's presidency are already campaigning. This last Saturday (17), the Data Vox institute released the results of the survey among rubro-negro members, with Rodrigo Dunshee appearing in the lead in voting intentions.

In the survey, 40.3% of members said they would vote for Dunshee. Soon after, Luiz Eduardo Baptista (Bap) is in second, with 24.1%, and Maurício Gomes de Mattos in third, with 23%. Remembering that the presidential elections in Flamengo will be on December 12, 2024.


40.3% – Rodrigo Dunshee

24, 1% – Luiz Eduardo Baptista (Bap)

23% – Maurício Gomes de Mattos

3.6% – Bandeira de Mello

6.8 – Undecided

2.2% – Whites/Nulls

Data Vox interviewed 278 interviewees who were members of Mais Querido between the 20th and 25th of July, by telephone. Therefore, the institute states that the confidence level of the research is 95%, with an estimated margin of error of 5% plus or minus.


In addition, Data Vox also researched what red-black partners think of Rodolfo Landim's management. Thus, 39.6% of partners believe that the agent manages excellently and 36% say it is good. On the other hand, only 3.6% believe it is terrible.

39.6% – Excellent

36% – Good

13.6% – Regular< /p>

5% – Bad

3.6% – Terrible

2.2% – No opinion


Xuxa celebrates unprecedented show at Rock in Rio and meeting with Cyndi Lauper

The singer performed on Palco Itaú this past Friday (20)

Photo: Reproduction/ Daniel Pinheiro/BrazilNews
Photo: Reproduction/ Daniel Pinheiro/BrazilNews


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This last Friday (20), Xuxa performed on the fifth day of Rock in Rio 2024 and spoke about her debut at the music festival, which celebrates 40 years. The artist sang a pocket show on the Itaú Stage, which included a rock and roll version of Doce Mel in the repertoire.

Other great female artists led the shows at the music festival, this past Friday (20). Among them, Cyndi Lauper, of whom Xuxa is a big fan.

"It's going to be a pocket show, something I've never done, but the fact that I'm here at Rock in Rio is already big news for me. I've never seen it, I've never stepped foot on Rock in Rio. I'm coming as a guest to do this little presentation", said Xuxa before completing.

"I'm a little nervous because it's going to be after Katy Perry. Can you imagine, after. by Katy Perry, man, like that, because, you know, everyone is there watching Katy Perry and now they're going to see Xuxa... 'Oh, damn!'. , stay close so I can see, because I don't know what's going to happen'. I'm nervous, anxious, but happy at the same time", she said in an interview with the portal Quem.


Xuxa also spoke about her meeting with Cyndi Lauper:  "So, I can tell you that I had the opportunity to see her, and I fell even more in love. She is sweet! Guys, you who don't know her, or those of you who know, those of you who are fans of Cyndi Lauper, continue to be, because she is an incredible person. She asked me, 'What song are you going to sing?' I showed it, and she listened, gave her opinion. She talked about my hair… I was so happy! She is very cute, tiny. She makes you want to pick it up and take it home, like, 'Come on, you're going to be my friend now, you know?' She's really cute, man, really cute!"


Good news! Rio court suspends proceedings against auction of Flamengo stadium land

The suspension was announced last Friday (20)

Photo: Reproduction
Photo: Reproduction


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This last Friday (20), the Rio Court suspended the process contesting the expropriation and auction of the Gasometer land. The site, purchased by Flamengo, is part of the project for the construction of Mais Querido's own stadium.

According to information from the "Tempo Real" portal, the suspension of the dispute was 90 days, that is, for three months. The Court took a stance against the process after a request from Mais Querido, Rio City Hall, the Attorney General's Office (AGU) and Caixa Econômica Federal.

This is because the objective is to mediate the solution of the conflict between Caixa Econômica Federal and Mais Querido. This is because Flamengo paid around R$ 146 million to buy the land from Gasologista at an auction held by Rio City Hall. However, Caixa understands that the site is valued at R$ 240 million.


The mediation process is carried out by the Mediation and Conciliation Chamber of the Federal Public Administration (CCAF) of the AGU. In recent days, Rubro-Negro's representative, Rodolfo Landim, met with the Federal Attorney General's Office to discuss the matter.


According to Flamengo himself, the obstacle will be resolved soon. In other words, the construction of the Mais Querido stadium remains in planning. In Landim's words, the expectation is that Rubro-Negro's new home will be ready in 2029.


Flamengo presidential candidate reveals that he would not get along with Jorge Jesus and talks about plans for Tite if elected

Delair Dumbrosck reports that he will analyze the coach's results at the end of the season

Photo: Reproduction/ Flamengo
Photo: Reproduction/ Flamengo


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After winning five titles in one year, Jorge Jesus left Flamengo to sign with Benfica. Therefore, the nostalgia among fans is practically unanimous. However, for the club's presidential candidate, Delair Dumbrosck, he would have problems working with the coach. Furthermore, Delair also commented that he did not agree with the way in which Mister arrived at Mais Querido in 2019, and told Tite of his plans if he is elected.

 “We were champions in 2009 with Andrade, who was a coach that we hired, he was not the coach of the Brazilian team, but the club had command. In my opinion, regardless of any coach, there has to be a coach who, if I am in the presidency, we would have to talk about managing the squad (Jorge). Jesus)... We worked with Andrade because we had a permanent committee. When Cuca left, we put Andrade, the permanent committee into action and we resolved the problem", said Delair Dumbrosck.

"When Jorge Jesus came, the first thing he did was eliminate the permanent commission. When he left, we, the president, will return with the permanent commission so as not to take that risk. About Tite, whether he stays or not, that's all. the results will tell. He's an excellent coach, he has a great coaching staff, but only the results will tell", added Delair in an interview with the Coluna do Fla podcast.


It is worth remembering that Delair Dumbrosck took over from Márcio Braga in 2009. Thus, the former leader of Mais Querido won his sixth title, with a show by Petkovic and Adriano Imperador.


Thus, in addition to Dalir Dumbrosck, Rodrigo Dunshee, Luiz Eduardo Baptista (BAP), Maurício Gomes de Mattos, Wallim Vasconcelos and Pedro Paulo are also running for president of Mais Querido. The elections will be on December 9th.



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