Logotipo Gazeta do Urubu


Gazeta do Urubu is a sports newspaper aimed at all Flamengo fans.

It is an online newspaper governed, first and only, by independence and freedom.

Gazeta do Urubu works with criteria of editorial rigor and in accordance with the truth of the facts, being independent of any ideology, religion, political power or economic power.

At Gazeta do Urubu, we are demanding and practice journalism related to the Flamengo universe, refusing any type of sensationalism or intrusion into private life.

We are looking for diversified information, covering several areas of activity of Clube de Regatas do Flamengo, which are of interest to Flamengo fans. We will present this information in various formats, whether written or audiovisual.

Gazeta do Urubu is only responsible to its readers.

Gazeta do Urubu aims to ensure a well-informed and participatory public opinion.

Gazeta do Urubu is aimed at the entire Flemish public, regardless of their social status, belief or profession.

Gazeta do Urubu adopts the principles of the rule of law and the Universal Charter of Human Rights, which guide all of its activities. Democracy, freedom and pluralism are three essential pillars of this newspaper.

Gazeta do Urubu respects the code of ethics and professional ethics of journalists, as well as the good faith of readers.