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Flamengo signed Léo Ortiz on Friday night (01)

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After a long 'soap opera', Flamengo finally signed Léo Ortiz. This Saturday (02), the vice-president of red and black football, Marcos Braz, confirmed the acquisition and considered the value of the negotiation to be fair. The director also revealed that he expects the defender to arrive in Rio de Janeiro next Tuesday (05).

— All that remains is to sign. So, there are drafts exchanged, there are several types of documents that have already been exchanged. I think it was a fair negotiation, it reached the value at which Flamengo understood that this transaction would be relevant, and that's it. I think he's a player who's going to give a lot, he's going to help a lot here, he's going to give muscle to the squad, even more so to the squad where we need it, so many games, FIFA dates, anyway, I think it was very important for this contact — said Marcos Braz, in an interview with 'BandSports'.

“Yesterday (Friday, 01) I was already asking him to arrive as quickly as possible, to make an adaptation, to start understanding how It’s Flamengo here, the players, I believe he’ll be here by Tuesday”, added Marcos Braz, on the Maracanã lawn.


The Mais Querido cast is preparing to face Madureira, this Saturday (2), however, the board continues to act behind the scenes and finally the soap opera involving Flamengo, Léo Ortiz and Bragantino comes to an end . In this way, the defender can now be considered a Mais Querido player. At the meeting between the boards last Friday night (1), everything was resolved and the clubs reached a common denominator.

In this way, according to information from journalist Venê Casagrande, Léo Ortiz has already signed the contract and is officially a Rubro Negro player. The club will soon announce the signing of the defender. Highlighting that the athlete's desire ended up weighing in on Bragantino's release.


Anitta would be dating Flamengo's midfielder - check it out

The meeting took place during the 'after' promoted by the singer in São Paulo

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Last Friday (6), Anitta was spotted alongside player Vinicius Souza after his presentation at the NFL. The meeting took place during the 'after' promoted by the singer in São Paulo. Although the romance has not been made official by the parties involved, Vinicius' presence at the event and the frequent interactions between the two on social media raise speculation about a possible relationship.

Since Anitta's recent trip to Greece, the two have frequently interacted in comments on Instagram photos. Previously, actress Bruna Griphao was also mentioned as Anitta's possible affair, but the former BBB member stated that the relationship between them was just friendship.


Vinicius Souza, known as 'Vinição', is a 25-year-old player, 1.87m tall. He began his career at Flamengo, in the youth categories, standing out for his ability to recover balls and initiate offensive plays.

Currently, the player stood out in the 2023/2024 Premier League season, playing for Sheffield United. With a career that includes stints in European football, Vinicius played for Lommel SK in Belgium from 2020 onwards.

The athlete, who has more than 300 thousand followers on Instagram, was married to model Giulia Dantas, with whom he ended the relationship in 2021, shortly after the honeymoon. Vinicius has two children from different mothers and keeps a low profile on social media, sharing few photos with his fans.


Janja da Silva will not participate in the September 7th parade in Brasília - understand

First lady will participate in global education event in Doh

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The First Lady of Brazil, Janja da Silva, will not be present at the Independence Day parade in Brasília, next Saturday, September 7th. Janja was invited by Sheikha Mozha bin Nasser al-Missned to the 5th Celebration of the International Day to Protect Education from Attacks, which will take place in Doha, Qatar. The confirmation was released by the Palácio do Planalto press office.

During her stay in Doha, Janja will participate in the panel "Education in Danger: The Human Cost of War", on September 9th, where she will also perform. a speech. The first lady's visit to Qatar includes bilateral meetings and a visit to a school that serves refugee children. Her stay is scheduled for two days.

Janja's absence from the parade coincides with a delicate moment for the government. On Friday (6), the Minister of Human Rights, Silvio Almeida, was fired following accusations of sexual harassment, one of which involved the Minister of Racial Equality, Anielle Franco. President Lula decided to remove Almeida after a day of intense meetings, stating that cases of harassment will not be tolerated in his administration. Almeida denies the accusations.


On the same Friday, Janja published a photo alongside Anielle Franco, showing support for the minister. Known for her work on women's causes in government, the first lady has been at the forefront of initiatives related to defending women's rights. Anielle, in turn, chose not to participate in the September 7th parade and asked for privacy amid the crisis.


Even with the absences, the parade on September 7th in Brasília will feature the participation of at least 30 government ministers, including Rui Costa (Casa Civil) and José Múcio (Defense). Authorities from the Federal Supreme Court will also be present, such as Alexandre de Moraes and Dias Toffoli, as well as governors such as Eduardo Leite (PSDB) and Ibaneis Rocha (MDB).

The event began at around 9 am with the playing of the national anthem and the participation of military athletes. The Brazilian Air Force smoke squadron is expected to close the event at 10:30 am.


Flamengo has behind the scenes burning in the 2024 elections

The club has a big difference in work



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The Sinergia Rubro-Negra Group (SRN), made up of influential partners from Flamengo, held a meeting last Saturday (7), at the club's headquarters, located in Gávea. The main objective of the meeting was to promote fraternization among the participants, but, inevitably, club politics ended up dominating the discussions throughout the event.

The main topic that emerged during the meeting was the support of the SRN to Rodrigo Dunshee's candidacy for president of Flamengo. Dunshee, who currently holds the position of general and legal vice-president of the club, is a prominent figure in the red-black political scene. The group, made up of members who share an aligned vision regarding the club's management, sees in Dunshee a name prepared to take over Flamengo's leadership, especially considering the upcoming electoral cycle.


During the event, members of the SRN highlighted Dunshee's role in the current administration, remembering that he was a fundamental player in several legal achievements of the Flamengo in recent years. The group believes that his experience and proximity to the club's internal processes make him the ideal candidate to succeed current president Rodolfo Landim, whose tenure ends at the end of his term. 

Although the initial objective of the meeting was a celebration between the partners, it was inevitable that the conversations turned to Flamengo's political future. The club's presidential elections are approaching, and political groups are already beginning to articulate support and strategies. The SRN, being a strong group within the red-black political structure, has stood out for its organization and capacity to mobilize members.

Those present discussed, among other topics, the possible implications of a possible Dunshee's candidacy. His name has been circulating among members for some time, but now, with the explicit support of the SRN, his candidacy is gaining strength. The members highlighted that Dunshee is a name of continuity, someone who is already part of the current management and deeply knows the challenges and needs of the club. This, in the group's view, represents a positive point, as Dunshee could continue the projects started under the Landim administration.



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