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Despite being unproductive, the hearing brings the sentence closer



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Flamengo's lawyers and the family of Christian Esmério, goalkeeper who died in the fire at Ninho do Urubu, came face to face in a hearing at the Rio Courts. With no agreement between the parties regarding compensation, the process is closer to having a sentence from the judge.

The hearing at the 33rd Civil Court of Rio would allow witnesses appointed by Flamengo to give testimony. Among them would be the club's general and legal vice-president, Rodrigo Dunshee de Abranches. But Flamengo withdrew the testimony of witnesses at the last minute. Hotelier Luiz Humberrto Tavares would be one of them, he was at the forum and was dismissed. Dunshee and maintenance worker Diego Diogo da Silva didn't even make it.

Christian Esmério's parents were at the hearing. Andreia, the mother, was even wearing a shirt with a photo of her son, who died in 2019, at the age of 15. At the same hearing, the lawyers were asked by the judge in the case, André Aiex Baptista Martins, whether there would be any agreement. The lack of understanding between the parties regarding an amount for compensation persisted. The hearing, in general, was not very productive, as witnesses were not heard. But the process is getting closer to an outcome.


In the process, Flamengo needs to comment on a recent petition made by the family's lawyers regarding a journalistic article . In it, the then manager of Flamengo's young goalkeeper said that he was about to sign his first professional contract.

After the five-day period for Fla's demonstration has passed, the 15-day period will begin to count. in which the parties will have to send the judge their final arguments before the sentence. Christian's family is the only one with which the club could not reach an agreement among the ten whose players died in the Ninho fire, in February 2019.

The club even offered an amount, which was not satisfied . So, the lawsuit was opened in 2021 seeking compensation.


Good news! Rio court suspends proceedings against auction of Flamengo stadium land

The suspension was announced last Friday (20)

Photo: Reproduction
Photo: Reproduction


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This last Friday (20), the Rio Court suspended the process contesting the expropriation and auction of the Gasometer land. The site, purchased by Flamengo, is part of the project for the construction of Mais Querido's own stadium.

According to information from the "Tempo Real" portal, the suspension of the dispute was 90 days, that is, for three months. The Court took a stance against the process after a request from Mais Querido, Rio City Hall, the Attorney General's Office (AGU) and Caixa Econômica Federal.

This is because the objective is to mediate the solution of the conflict between Caixa Econômica Federal and Mais Querido. This is because Flamengo paid around R$ 146 million to buy the land from Gasologista at an auction held by Rio City Hall. However, Caixa understands that the site is valued at R$ 240 million.


The mediation process is carried out by the Mediation and Conciliation Chamber of the Federal Public Administration (CCAF) of the AGU. In recent days, Rubro-Negro's representative, Rodolfo Landim, met with the Federal Attorney General's Office to discuss the matter.


According to Flamengo himself, the obstacle will be resolved soon. In other words, the construction of the Mais Querido stadium remains in planning. In Landim's words, the expectation is that Rubro-Negro's new home will be ready in 2029.


Cia do Terno reinforces Sesc RJ Flamengo in the 24/25 season

Clothing giant will print its brand on the sleeves of the greatest champion in the history of Brazilian volleyball

Photo: Vitoria Antunes
Photo: Vitoria Antunes


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Cia do Terno is the newest partner of Sesc RJ Flamengo. The agreement will be valid for the 24/25 season and the clothing giant's brand will be displayed on the sleeves of the athletes' uniforms and on the technical committee's trousseau.

“It is always an honor to have partners with values ​​like those we have disseminated for almost 30 years. Cia do Terno is a giant, genuinely Brazilian, with hundreds of stores and recognized for its quality. I hope we can be together for a long time and take the brand to an even larger audience”, said coach Bernardinho.

Flamengo's executive director of Olympic Sports, Marcelo Vido, believes that the arrival of a new The sponsor will make the team even more competitive.

“The arrival of Cia do Terno further strengthens the team, encouraging the constant search for titles and supporting the volleyball program with the integration of the red and black base. This partnership contributes to the construction of an increasingly competitive and sustainable team in the long term”, said Vido.

“For us it is an honor to become sponsors of Sesc RJ Flamengo, the club with the biggest fans in Brazil , of national and international prominence and with a technical committee already famous and known for its competence, led by Bernardinho. The players can be sure that all our employees, professionals and collaborators, in 22 states in Brazil, will be rooting for them in every match”, added Pedro Paulo Drummond, president of Cia do Terno.

Sesc RJ Flamengo continues with master sponsorship from Sesc, which has “signed” the project since 2016, and Everest, which renewed the agreement that began in 2023. The squad for the season was presented at the beginning of June and the players who are not playing national team services are already undergoing training with the technical committee. The first commitment, however, will be the Campeonato Carioca, probably only in October.


Pedro, from Flamengo, should be at the 2025 World Cup, according to doctor

Responsible for the attacker's surgery, Luiz Antônio Vieira states that the attacker is recovering well



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Doctor Luiz Antônio Vieira, responsible for Pedro's surgery, commented that the attacker's recovery has been very positive. The surgeon was responsible for reconstructing the anterior cruciate ligament in Pedro's knees — on the right in 2018 and on the left this year. Vieira believes that the player's return will be better than his first injury, which occurred six years ago.

In an interview with the 'GE' portal, the doctor, who also operated on Bruno Henrique, detailed the surgical procedure, highlighting Pedro's physical and psychological qualities and reassured Flamengo fans about the possibility of the striker being present at the Club World Cup, in June next year.

“He was lucky not to have a meniscus injury , so joint rehabilitation is faster. We're still in September, I mean, he'll be there for about eight months, because that's around the time he turns around, between the eighth and ninth month. So I believe he has a chance. He is very dedicated, super focused on rehabilitation, does everything you tell him to, has strong legs, good muscles... I think he has a chance. He will be around the time he would more or less return”, said the doctor.

Pedro’s mind is calm in the face of the serious injury

Luiz Antônio Vieira commented on the way Pedro is coping mentally with the situation. After suffering the same injury in 2018 to one knee, the attacker now has the anterior cruciate ligament in his other knee torn. The doctor highlighted that Flamengo's Shirt 9 is very calm and sees this as a learning experience for his life.

“He has one good thing: he is quite religious. So he believes that it is part of his life learning, that he had to go through this. He accepted, in a way he resigned himself a little. He said: ‘Doctor, I’ve been through this, I’m going to have to go through it again, it was supposed to be like this, it’s part of my life, let’s face it’. He is super calm about it”, explained Vieira.

In addition, Vieira mentioned the time that Pedro will be able to spend with his twin daughters, who were born just over a month ago.

“He’s at a stage where he just had a baby, right? He has one-month-old twins, so I told him: “Everything in life has a good and a bad side. You will now be able to live with your one-month-old daughters because playing football two or three times a week would be impossible, right”? So let's put it this way, there will be this good part, in inverted commas, of his drama”, concluded the surgeon.



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