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The situation is divided between Dunshee and Bap and the opposition faces difficulties in defining the name it will present in the election



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The election for the future president of Flamengo has no set date yet, but, according to the club's statutes, it needs to take place in the first ten days of December. That is, at most exactly six months from now. Despite the proximity, today the scenario at the club is one of absolute uncertainty regarding Rodolfo Landim's succession.

The process of choosing a name to keep Landim's base together has proven difficult. The president appointed a commission led by Diogo Lemos, member of the Football Council, to prepare an assessment of his two terms and a government plan for the next three years before the official choice of the candidate, to be chosen by the support base.

However, members of the current management did not wait for it to become official and have been moving since the beginning of the year to consolidate their candidacy. Landim's preferred name is general vice-president Rodrigo Dunshee de Abranches, but most of the management members prefer the president of the Board of Directors Luiz Eduardo Baptista, Bap.

A third name coming from management Landim has also put forward his candidacy: Mauricio Gomes de Mattos, former vice-president of Embassies and Consulates. In search of an electoral niche, Mattos, who has the support of older members of the club and tries to mobilize the few remaining off-Rio voters, has also sought support among the opposition.

The opposition does not even understand each other about objective in election

The scenario in the opposition is even more undefined than in the Landim's support base. The only consensus among the different groups seems to be that there needs to be a single candidate. From then on, the divergences are great from the objective to the means.

Part of the opposition believes that there is no chance of winning the election and the important thing is to occupy spaces in the management and prevent the victory of Dunshee, who they see it as a worst-case scenario, and so they consider seeking a composition with Bap. Another part sees a real chance of victory as long as the situation is truly divided between Dunshee and Bap, as long as there is only one more candidate. For this, it would be necessary to form a composition with Mattos, which could even have the former VP himself as a candidate.

The opposition even tried an alliance with Landim's former vice-president of Finance Wallim Vasconcelos at the head , but conversations in this regard ended after Wallim made an aggressive speech against the allies of former president Eduardo Bandeira de Mello during a meeting of the Deliberative Council.

Bandeira de Mello himself was unable to overcome resistance from part of the opposition to his name, mainly due to him being prosecuted for the fire at Ninho do Urubu. The strongest name that emerged as an option that would unite the entire opposition is former legal vice-president Flávio Willeman, but he hesitates to take responsibility due to professional issues.

Manifesto against SAF and plans to Landim for the future

Last week, then, there was a movement to start making other names viable, which began with the publication of a manifesto against the transformation of Flamengo into SAF signed by Walter Monteiro – which was candidate in 2021 and finished in third place, one vote behind Marco Aurélio Assef, ineligible this year and not seen as a real opponent -, Gilberto de Oliveira Barros and Carlos Ferrão.

The three managed to move the election with the manifesto, with both Dunshee and Bap giving messages that they too would be against the SAF, although Landim defends the possibility of building a stadium.

Landim himself, in fact, remains determined, as reported by the MRN, to contest the next election for the presidency of the Deliberative Council. There, he would control the pen to guide the SAF discussion. Therefore, the opposition has also been talking to find a strong name capable of competing with Landim in this election, which takes place after the vote for the presidency of Flamengo.

Although the registration of candidacies only takes place in September, the The expectation is that by the end of this month there will be a clearer definition of candidates for election in Flamengo.


At the launch of its presidential campaign, BAP will announce legal vice-president for Flamengo

The Mais Querido presidential candidate will also present his Government Plan

Photo: Reproduction
Photo: Reproduction


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Luiz Eduardo Baptista will launch his candidacy for the presidency of Flamengonext Monday (9). Among the news that will be released, in addition to the Government Plan, are the names of some possible vice-presidents who will join your board in case of victory. One of the names is already known: Flávio Willeman, who could resume his position as legal vice-president of the club.

Flávio Willeman was even approached to be a presidential candidate by the opposition, he chose to support BAP . The leader's name was also mentioned to occupy the position of general VP on the ticket, in addition to being listed as presidential candidate for the Deliberative Council.


Flávio Willeman is a lawyer , with a PhD in Law from the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) and a master’s degree from Universidade Cândido Mendes. He has served as Attorney for the State of Rio de Janeiro since 2000 and was appointed deputy attorney general of the State in 2021.

Flávio was legal vice-president of Flamengo during the two terms of Eduardo Bandeira de Mello (2013 - 2018). During his management, Mais Querido faced more than 500 labor actions, a number that was reduced to just 52 when he left office.


In addition to Luiz Eduardo Baptista, Maurício Gomes de Mattos, Wallim Vasconcelos, Pedro Paulo and José Carlos Peruano are also candidates for the presidency of Flamengo. Voting will take place on December 9th.


Former Flamengo president, Márcio Braga warns about the construction of a stadium: "the club will not be able to handle it"

The former representative of Rubro-Negro also criticized the decision-making of the Rodolfo Landim administration

Photo: Reproduction/ Flamengo
Photo: Reproduction/ Flamengo


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At the end of July the Flamengo acquired the land from Gasologista to begin construction of its new stadium. However, the former president of Mais Querido, Márcio Braga, fears that Rubro-Negro's new home will harm the club. During the launch of Mengo's presidential candidate Maurício Gomes de Mattos, Márcio raised his tone and issued warnings about possible damage that the work at the Gasometer could cause.

"What they are planning for us at Flamengo is unacceptable. They are deceiving us. What is happening in Flamengo is dangerous. Secondly, they are not deceiving. : we cannot dream of a stadium without an economic and financial project for its construction", said Márcio Braga.

"The other day, at the Deliberative Council meeting, (Rodrigo) Tostes came close to me and he said that Flamengo will not be able to handle this. Look at the danger we are experiencing. All of this, have no doubt about what I am saying, a situation is being prepared that will make Flamengo unviable for the construction of the stadium and the transformation of the club into a club. SAF. That's what they want, but Maurício won't let that happen", added the former president.


Last Thursday night (last Thursday night () 5), Maurício Gomes de Mattos launched the "Mengão Maior" ticket, at an event at AABB da Lagoa, in Rio de Janeiro, close to the Gávea headquarters. Furthermore, who was also present at the event was the former representative of Flamengo: Eduardo Bandeira de Mello.


In addition to Maurício , Rodrigo Dunshee, Luiz Eduardo Baptista, Wallim Vasconcelos, Pedro Paulo and José Carlos Peruano are also candidates for the presidency of Flamengo. Voting will take place on December 9th.


Flamengo presidential candidate fears that new stadium could cause problems similar to those of São Paulo clubs

Bap also spoke about remaining cautious when building Rubro-Negro's new home

Photo: Reproduction/ Flamengo
Photo: Reproduction/ Flamengo


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The fan of Flamengofurther revived its dream of its own stadium after the club acquired the gasometer land for the construction of its new home. However, for Luiz Eduardo Baptista, known as Bap, the Rubro-Negro project needs a lot of attention and care so as not to harm sporting performance, as was the case with São Paulo and Corinthians, with the construction of Morumbis and Neo Química Arena.

"Flamengo fans don't want what happened to São Paulo to happen, which spent 17 years without winning anything. Corinthians were champions of the Libertadores and the World Cup in 2012, and they were full of their chests to say that they would have stadium in two years. See what happened 12 years later with that Corinthians. There is no longer any sporting performance, there is a stadium, huge debt..." said BAP.

"A month ago, in a Corinthians review, I saw people saying that “the stadium is the root of our problems, we have Pacaembu, we have to return the stadium as a guarantee to keep Pacaembu”. intelligence. Learning from other people's mistakes is wisdom", added the candidate in an interview with the Coluna do Fla portal.


As said by Bap, São Paulo became one. long time without winning titles, that is, precisely during the construction process of Morumbi, opened in 1960. On the other hand, Corinthians, which debuted at Neo Química Arena in 2014, is experiencing one of the biggest financial crises in history.


Last month, Flamengo agreed to purchase the land from Gasologista, where the construction of the Mais Querido stadium is planned. Furthermore, the Rubro-Negro and Rio City Hall reached an agreement with Caixa Econômica so that the expropriation of the site could be completed.



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