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Coach Bernardinho's team opens the best-of-three quarter-final series against the São Paulo team, this Wednesday (27.03), at 6:30 pm, away from home



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A new competition begins for Sesc RJ Flamengo this Wednesday (27.03). Leader of the qualifying phase of the Women's Super League, coach Bernardinho's team faces Barueri, at 6:30 pm, away from home, in the first match of the best-of-three quarter-final series. SporTV2 broadcasts live.

The red and black team knows the dangers of their opponent, who gave them trouble in the quarterfinals of the Copa Brasil and in the first round of the Superliga. Therefore, they want to impose an aggressive pace to return to Rio de Janeiro with the advantage in the confrontation.

"It will be a difficult game, because Barueri will play without any responsibility and that is a reason to be very alert. It's a very well-trained team, tall and that plays with a lot of speed, when they have the pass in their hands. We have to impose our serve and put pressure on them in our counterattack. We know that the responsibility is all ours. We fought hard to finish the qualifying phase first and we can't go in with our guard down, especially at their home", analyzed central Valquíria, the third best striker in the Superliga, with 54% efficiency.

The player celebrates her return the consistency of Sesc RJ Flamengo, which comes from four consecutive victories in the competition and arrives with morale in search of another positive result. She remembers that the difference lies in the strength of the team.

"We went through a moment of instability, but we rolled up our sleeves. Teamwork prevails here. We came together and came out more united after two consecutive defeats, for Osasco and Praia Clube, and we adjusted what was necessary. As a result, we played a great game against Minas and achieved a good run to finish the first phase well and start the playoffs", added Valquíria.

The second match of the quarterfinals between Sesc RJ Flamengo and Barueri will be played on Saturday (30.03), at 7pm, at Tijuca Tênis Clube. If necessary, game 3 will take place on April 3, at 6 pm, at Maracanãzinho.

Sesc RJ Flamengo is the biggest champion of the Women's Superliga, with 12 cups. Under Bernardinho's command, the team reached the top of the podium in the national competition in the 1997/1998 and 1999/2000 seasons (both in Curitiba), 2005/2006, 2006/2007, 2007/2008, 2008/2009, 2010/2011 , 2012/2013, 2013/2014, 2014/2015, 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 (in Rio de Janeiro). The competition brings together 12 teams, who face each other in round and round matches before the playoffs. The final will take place in April.



The reading incentive project is the result of a partnership between the Social Responsibility and Education departments of the Flamengo Museum



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Reading is the basis for learning, expanding vocabulary, improving textual understanding and stimulating critical and analytical skills . To work on this issue, the project "Come read, come read, come read!", created by the Social Responsibility and Education departments of the Flamengo Museum, was created, whose purpose is to visit community libraries and cultural facilities in peripheral areas, with storytelling activities of stories, quizzes and book donations for children and teenagers. The objective is to awaken a love of reading, enable greater contact between children and books, as well as contribute to the transformation of community libraries into spaces for culture, learning and leisure.

So, this Friday (19), the project “Come read, come read, come read!” was present at the Wagner Vinício Community Library, in Rio das Pedras, West Zone of Rio de Janeiro, created by community residents who wanted a place where their children could spend their time while they were not at school. The library's objective is to encourage reading in the Rio das Pedras community, being the only cultural space focused on literature in the locality. The action brought together around 30 children and young people between the ages of 8 and 13.

“The kids had very high expectations, mainly because it was a Flamengo project. It was really cool to receive the "Vem Ler" project, as most of the children are Flamengo fans. It is always very beneficial to host external activities so that children can have new experiences and the activity you carried out completed the work we have already done in the library, mainly on the importance of concentration, group work and using creativity in order to overcome challenges. weaknesses: shyness, concentration, etc. It was amazing to welcome you! The kids loved it and so did we”, said Simone Araújo, mediator at the Wagner Vinício community library.

In the action, the children and young people present received Flamengo books, backpacks and cups.

For the next few months, the project "Come read, come read, come read!" will be present in other community libraries in the city.



The former Mais Querido partner had problems with Galinho in 2010

Photo: Reproduction
Photo: Reproduction


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At the moment, three candidates for Flamengo's presidency are known to the fans: Luiz Eduardo Baptista, Rodrigo Dunshee and Maurício Gomes de Mattos. However, a fourth way is to come, from the group Fla Tradição e Juventude, led by Leonardo Ribeiro, "Capitão Léo", who had problems with Mais Querido's idol, Zico, in 2010.

“The agenda is the following: launch of a candidacy in defense of the co-owner to defend Flamengo's traditions. A true independent candidacy. Because what we are seeing there are three different candidates,” said Léo, on social media.

The group is scheduling a meeting next Thursday (1) to define who the candidate will be. Leader of the Fla Tradição e Juventude group, Captain Léo is not a member. In other words, he will not be able to run for president of Mais Querido. The former leader of Torcida Jovem Fla was expelled from membership after days of suspensions in less than a year. In one of the cases, he was involved in a fight with Luiz Eduardo Baptista, a candidate for the position of president.


In 2010, Leonardo Ribeiro stated that the contract signed between Flamengo and Centro de Futebol Zico would be harmful to the club's interests. This is because, according to him, players who were from CFZ started to reach the Rubro-Negro youth categories, gaining more space than those who were already there. 

Thus, due to the accusation, Zico filed a lawsuit against Leonardo. After the red-black idol's attitude, the former partner retreated and said he was misunderstood. In 2010, Galinho was football director at Mais Querido.



Still without Bernardinho, who directs the Brazilian team, Mengão welcomes the new reinforcements and begins work with the Superliga in mind



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With many new features, Sesc RJ Flamengo has started work for the 2024/2025 season. This Monday (03.06), the greatest Brazilian volleyball champion reappeared at the Army Physical Education School (EsEFEx), in the South Zone of Rio de Janeiro, with seven new faces and eight remnants from the last Superliga. The objective remains the same: to take work and dedication to the court to try to remain among the country's main forces.

Not counting coach Bernardinho, setter Brie and winger Helena, who are competing for the League of Nations, the group showed plenty of energy. For now, the athletes will undergo physical and medical evaluations. Work with the ball is scheduled for next week.

"It's a very changed squad compared to last season, but we believe that we have put together a young group with very interesting potential, so that we can continue the work and reach the highest possible place. We hit the goalposts in recent seasons, finishing in the semi-finals of the Superliga, but we have all the conditions to do a good job and, who knows, return to compete in the final", said Helio Griner, assistant manager. Bernardinho and coach of Sesc RJ Flamengo in the absence of the two-time Olympic champion.

A dream come true

One of the new additions is the opposite Edinara, 28 years old, which came from Sesi Bauru. Champion of the 2018 Grand Prix with the Brazilian team, the Santa Catarina native accumulates experience in great teams in Brazil. After more than a decade, she will achieve an old goal of working alongside Bernardinho and his coaching staff.

"It's a dream come true. In 2012, when I met Bernardo in person for the first time, in Saquarema, still with the youth teams, he told me: "I want to work with you one day." Since then, I've been very excited. It still doesn't seem true that I came here with the aim of becoming a better athlete than I was. when I arrived. I want to evolve in all aspects, both in attack and in defense", said Edinara.

In the same position, Sesc RJ Flamengo will count on the determination of Camila Mesquita, 24 years old, champion. of the 2020/2021 Superliga for Minas. After a season at Barueri, the São Paulo native says she is prepared to face the responsibility of defending the shirt of the country's biggest winner.

"I really wanted to be here and train with Bernardo, who is a genius of the volleyball, and with the entire structure of Sesc RJ Flamengo. Living in Rio de Janeiro is a completely different experience than many I've had, but I identify with the way of working. It's a team that trains a lot, where results are demanded. It's big. I personally like this charge, because I think it helps us get where we want", highlighted Camila Mesquita.

Another name that will add experience and quality to Sesc RJ Flamengo is central Lorena. , 24 years old and 1.90m tall. A former Praia Clube player, the native of Mato Grosso has recent stints with the Brazilian national team and arrives ready to learn from her new teammates.

"I was ecstatic with the invitation to play for Sesc RJ Flamengo. The team It is a reference in Brazilian volleyball and a place where many of my references have passed, like Juciely. I hope to be able to meet and exceed my expectations and those of the group. more. I have huge expectations, because I really want to work", assured Lorena.

In the same position, Sesc RJ Flamengo will count on the youth of Juju and Adria for another season. Furthermore, the arrival of Jussara, 27 years old, who was at Maringá, will offer more options in the sector. The Minas Gerais native smiled when talking about the special opportunity in her career.

"I remember the Sesc RJ Flamengo team coming in for preparation training before playing there in the Maringá gym. I thought "Wow Will I ever get there? Will it one day work?" And it did! The feeling I have today is one of total gratitude. I didn't believe that one day I would be here. I have a lot of hope that I will improve my game rhythm and my blocking movement, in addition to add strength and speed to my attack", says Jussara.

Among the wingers, Sesc RJ Flamengo will also have news. In addition to Michelle's experience and Helena's youth, Bernardinho will count on Karina, 25 years old, ex-Sesi Bauru, and Mikaela, just 16 years old, who was at Tijuca Tênis Clube.

"It has always been It's a dream to play at Sesc RJ Flamengo and work with Bernardo and his coaching staff. I've always seen this team in a very different way than others. I think it's a very harmonious group and I want to contribute a lot, improve and help the team. transform me as an athlete and as a person", said Karina.

In addition, the young Victoria, 20 years old, trained in Flamengo's youth categories, joins Laís from Rio among the liberos of Sesc RJ Flamengo .

Check out the Sesc RJ Flamengo squad for the 2024/2025 season

Setters: Brie, Rose and Clara

Pointers : Michelle, Helena, Karina and Mikaela

Opposites: Edinara and Camila Mesquita

Centers: Juju, Lorena, Adria and Jussara

Liberos: Lais and Victória< /p>



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