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Flamengo dreams of building its own stadium



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Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF) put up for sale a piece of land next to the gasometer land, in the port region of Rio de Janeiro, where Flamengo wants to build its own stadium. Caixa manages the Porto Maravilha real estate fund, which owns two plots of land in the region. One of them is the land of the old gasometer. The other is the Praia Formosa land, now for sale.

Architect and stadium researcher Fabrício Chicca published a video on the Mundo na Bola channel this Wednesday (3). In the content, Chicca explains what the process of selling the Praia Formosa land means for Flamengo and the desire to buy the gasometer land.

The public offer document for the Praia Formosa land, launched In 2024, it indicates that Caixa intends to divide the gas meter land into three separate areas and sell them independently. Real estate developments are the fund's preferred business.

In the so-called masterplan, it is clear that Caixa will want to know from potential buyers of the fund's land what will be done in the area and, obviously, whether there is economic viability for plans to come true.

Flamengo did not present a concrete plan for the gas meter

For Fabrício Chicca, if a Caixa actually break up the gasometer land into three separate areas, the business will become more attractive to potential Flamengo competitors. For the expert, the club needs to rush to buy the area soon, as it may face competition from powerful developers in the Rio market.

Fabrício Chicca recalled that in the meeting between Flamengo and the president of Caixa, recently, the club did not present a concrete plan on how it intends to build a stadium in the region. Not a model was presented. The red and black representatives only presented general plans for the new sports equipment.


Flamengo has behind the scenes burning in the 2024 elections

The club has a big difference in work



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The Sinergia Rubro-Negra Group (SRN), made up of influential partners from Flamengo, held a meeting last Saturday (7), at the club's headquarters, located in Gávea. The main objective of the meeting was to promote fraternization among the participants, but, inevitably, club politics ended up dominating the discussions throughout the event.

The main topic that emerged during the meeting was the support of the SRN to Rodrigo Dunshee's candidacy for president of Flamengo. Dunshee, who currently holds the position of general and legal vice-president of the club, is a prominent figure in the red-black political scene. The group, made up of members who share an aligned vision regarding the club's management, sees in Dunshee a name prepared to take over Flamengo's leadership, especially considering the upcoming electoral cycle.


During the event, members of the SRN highlighted Dunshee's role in the current administration, remembering that he was a fundamental player in several legal achievements of the Flamengo in recent years. The group believes that his experience and proximity to the club's internal processes make him the ideal candidate to succeed current president Rodolfo Landim, whose tenure ends at the end of his term. 

Although the initial objective of the meeting was a celebration between the partners, it was inevitable that the conversations turned to Flamengo's political future. The club's presidential elections are approaching, and political groups are already beginning to articulate support and strategies. The SRN, being a strong group within the red-black political structure, has stood out for its organization and capacity to mobilize members.

Those present discussed, among other topics, the possible implications of a possible Dunshee's candidacy. His name has been circulating among members for some time, but now, with the explicit support of the SRN, his candidacy is gaining strength. The members highlighted that Dunshee is a name of continuity, someone who is already part of the current management and deeply knows the challenges and needs of the club. This, in the group's view, represents a positive point, as Dunshee could continue the projects started under the Landim administration.


Flamengo is currently debating Pedro's replacement - Afirma Portal

The club has been in a race against time



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Flamengo continues to debate whether to look for a replacement for Pedro, a striker who is recovering from an injury. The decision is complex, involving several variables ranging from the financial cost to the availability of players on the market. One of the main points under discussion is the high cost of a possible replacement. The club is aware that signing a center forward may require a significant investment, something that needs to be carefully evaluated within the team's current budget.

In addition, Flamengofaces the challenge of downtime of players available on the market. Many of the center forwards who are free for transfer come from long periods without playing, with recent injuries or prolonged absence from the field. This situation represents a risk, as the integration of a player who is not in the rhythm of the game may take longer and be less effective initially.


The club is also considering the limited number of viable options on the market. The scarcity of attackers who meet the criteria required by Flamengo – both in terms of quality and physical readiness – is a factor that further complicates the search for a suitable replacement. 

In this scenario, the management of Flamengo assesses whether signing a new player is the best solution or whether there are viable alternatives to deal with Pedro's absence, such as adjusting the tactical formation or promoting youth players. The final decision is still being studied, and the club needs to carefully consider all aspects before making a decision.


Flamengo Stadium: Caixa estimates loss of more than R$1 billion with expropriation

Bank claims impact of more than R$840 million to FII PM due to the value of Cepacs

Photo: Wagner Meier/Lancepress!
Photo: Wagner Meier/Lancepress!


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A judicial battle for Gasologista land, sold at auction by Flamengo for construction from your stadium, is far from over. The Union requested that the process be reversed to the Federal Court, alleging that the expropriation carried out by the city of Rio de Janeiro created a loss of more than R$1 billion to the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS), the sole shareholder of the Employment Fund. Porto Maravilha Real Estate Investment (FII PM), managed by Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF).

Caixa estimates a loss of R$1.084 billion with the expropriation. The bank estimates a value of R$240.5 million for the Gasometer land and R$843.3 million for the use of Cepacs (certificates of additional construction potential) that the City Hall had assigned to the land. The information is from the portal 'Mundo Rubro-Negro'

“Masterplan expected the consumption of up to 602 thousand Cepacs in the Gasometer, which at the average unit value of R$ 1,400.83, represents R$ 843, 3 million. Thus, the potential impact of the expropriation is R$1.084 billion, without considering the amount that the FII Porto Maravilha will receive as compensation for the expropriation. In this sense, the expropriation promoted has direct repercussions on the FGTS and in relation to all Brazilian workers linked to the aforementioned fund”, stated the General Attorney's Office of the Union in the petition it filed in the expropriation process, which is taking place in the State Court.

In the calculation, Caixa does not count on the R$ 138.2 million deposited in court by Flamengo for the city hall to pay the expropriation to the Bank. After a response made by CEF, the State Court ordered an inspection to be carried out on the land to assess a fair value for it. The deadline for completion is 15 days. Flamengo approved a bond insurance if you have to pay more than stipulated in the auction notice if the price is changed by the judiciary.

Despite the uncertainty, Flamengo and City Hall must sign this Friday (16) the promise of purchase and sale, which marks the beginning of the 18 months, foreseen in the auction notice, for the presentation of the executive project of the stadium, by the Club. To do this, an assessment will have to be made on the contamination of the land, which for years housed the Gasometer while it was still active, which made the soil in the area harmful to health without decontamination.

City Hall denies loss to Caixa

In leaked audio of Eduardo Paes in conversation with Flamengo partners, including former President Eduardo Bandeira de Mello, the Mayor guarantees that he did not cause any losses to the FII PM and even accused Caixa of fraud for artificially increasing the price of the land and making the sale unfeasible.

“I hope Caixa Econômica doesn't try to lie, because this mayor here isn't stupid or anything. And we have several purchase and sale contracts for the real estate fund at value. Caixa negotiated the land and CEPAC for the private sector, to try to sell it to build buildings. And then, the CEPAC price of the property was very balanced. The square meter of land there was very balanced. Soon, when Flamengo's story begins, Caixa throws the price per square meter to the moon, and lowers the price of CEPAC. They were the ones committing fraud. They were transforming an artificial square meter number there to try to overvalue and make Flamengo's purchase of the land unfeasible”, stated the mayor.

Caixa alleges misuse of purpose in the expropriation and requests that the auction be annulled. The process is now taking place in two actions, one in the Public Finance Court of the State Court and the other in the 2nd Court of the Federal Court. The dispute is expected to reach the Superior Court of Justice (STJ).



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