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Are you going to the game? Rio City Hall sets up special scheme for Flamengo and Palmeiras at Maracanã

From 1pm onwards, there will be bans on vehicle traffic in the region where the match takes place.



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The Rio Operations Center informs that CET-Rio will carry out a traffic operation this Sunday, 11/08, to the game between Flamengo and Palmeiras, which takes place at 4pm, at the Maracanã stadium. CET-Rio, Comlurb, Municipal Guard and Public Order Secretariat will carry out special actions around the stadium. The Operations Center will intensify monitoring of the streets near Maracanã with cameras. The total number of agents employed by Rio City Hall is 396 agents.

From 1pm onwards, there will be bans on vehicle traffic in the region where the match takes place.

From 1pm to 8pm

– Rua Professor Eurico Rabelo;

– Rua Artur Menezes;

– Rua Conselheiro Olegário;

– Rua Isidro de Figueiredo;

– Rua Visconde de Itamarati, between Rua São Francisco Xavier and Avenida Professor Eurico Rabelo;

– Avenida Maracanã, towards the Center, between Rua São Francisco Xavier and Rua Mata Machado;

– Avenida Rei Pelé, two lanes towards the Center, between Avenida Professor Manoel de Abreu to height of the Indian Museum.

From 1:30 pm to 8:00 pm

– Avenida Maracanã, towards Tijuca, between Rua Mata Machado and Rua São Francisco Xavier;

– Oduvaldo Cozzi Viaduct and its accesses;

– Rua Mata Machado, between Avenida Paula Sousa and Avenida Maracanã;

– Avenida Maracanã, towards Tijuca , between Rua Mata Machado and Rua São Francisco Xavier.

From 5:40 pm to 8:00 pm

– Avenida Professor Manoel de Abreu, towards the Center, between Rua São Francisco Xavier and Avenida Rei Pelé;

– Rua Dona Zulmira, between Avenida Professor Manoel de Abreu and Rua São Francisco Xavier.


From 10am to 8pm

– Rua Visconde de Itamarati, between Rua São Francisco Xavier and Rua Professor Eurico Rabelo;

– Rua Isidro de Figueiredo;

– Rua Artur Menezes;

– Rua Conselheiro Olegário;

– Avenida Paula Sousa, left side, between Rua São Francisco Xavier and Rua Professor Eurico Rabelo.


Vehicles must use the following alternative routes:

Coming from the Center and Zona Sul

-To Tijuca: Use Avenida Paulo de Frontin and Rua Dr. Satamini, or follow Praça da Bandeira, Rua Pará or Rua Paraíba and then Rua Mariz and Barros;

-To Vila Isabel and Grajaú: Use Avenida Paulo de Frontin and Rua Dr. Satamini, or follow Praça da Bandeira, Rua Pará or Rua Paraíba, Rua Mariz e Barros and then , Rua Major Ávila and Rua Felipe Camarão;

-For the Grande Méier region: Use Rua Visconde de Niterói.

Coming from Tijuca, Grajaú, Vila Isabel and surrounding areas


-For the Center and South Zone: Use Rua Conde de Bonfim and Rua Haddock Lobo.

Coming from Grande Méier

-For the Center and South Zone : Use Rua Visconde de Niterói.


– Respect the places and times where parking is prohibited;

– Give preference for public transport, such as the Supervia train and the subway;

– Avoid driving around the region where the football match will take place;

– For everyone's safety, Pedestrians should only cross roads at marked locations.


The CET-Rio staff will have 55 traffic agents and supporters , 06 operational vehicles and 10 motorcycles that will be involved in guiding traffic. To reinforce traffic information, 13 variable message boards will provide information about closure times and alternative routes. The entire group will act in favor of road safety, traffic fluidity, maintenance of free intersections, as well as guidance for pedestrians, fans and drivers.

Technicians from CET-Rio, at the Rio Operations Center ( COR), will monitor all traffic movements using cameras so that, if necessary, adjustments can be made to the traffic light schedule with the aim of ensuring good road conditions.

The Rio Operations Center will be the centralizing information from Rio City Hall's operational teams and will monitor the surroundings of the stadium and nearby streets with 55 cameras. In the Situation Room of the public facility, located in Cidade Nova, 50 agents will monitor the region and provide agents on the streets with privileged information, aiming to provide comfort and alternatives for fans. All information will be available to Rio de Janeiro citizens through the Operations Center's social networks (@operacoesrio) or through the COR website and application, which is COR.Rio. p>

The Public Order Secretariat (Seop) and the Rio Municipal Guard (GM-Rio) will work with 200 agents in the operational scheme for the game between Flamengo and Palmeiras, at the Maracanã Stadium, in the North Zone of Rio .

The teams start working at 11am, focusing on urban planning, traffic flow and combating illegal parking around the stadium. The best way to get to the event is by public transport, as some roads will be blocked and there will be no parking spaces available around the stadium. The operation will have the support of four trailers.


Comlurb has prepared a special cleaning scheme for the match between Flamengo and Palmeiras, this Sunday (11/08), at Maracanã. The services will be carried out in the external area and throughout the stadium, including a cleaning point in Praça da Bandeira, in three shifts, before, during and after the game. Services will begin at 8am, including sidewalks, access to entrance ramps and main roads.

Operational planning foresees the presence of 91 professionals, 81 of whom are street cleaners. The teams will work with the support of a large sweeper and five trucks, two of which are satellite types, two compactors and a dumper. Two water tanks and a motor pump will be used to wash the area with recycled water. 70 240-liter containers will also be placed for the correct disposal of waste around the stadium.

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"Respect is the feeling..." Flamengo has Tite's words echoed behind the scenes with the fans

The club has a different point of view from the coach



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In an interview given after the defeat of Flamengoto Peñarol, 1-0, coach Tite was direct in responding to the boos received by the fans. The statement, marked by a frank tone, exposed the coach's pragmatic vision in relation to demanding fans and the pressure for results. “I respect the fans’ feelings. Of course I feel that (the boos), I'm human”, said Tite, recognizing the fans' frustration in the face of the setback.

Tite's speech reveals that he understands the role of fans as a fundamental part in the context of a club, especially in a team of great expression like Flamengo. By mentioning that the boos affect him as a human being, the coach demonstrates empathy, but does not fail to highlight that the only way to reverse this situation is with achievements on the field. “It can only be reversed in one way”, pointed out the coach.


The response reflects the experience of Titein dealing with pressure who follows the command of great teams in Brazilian football. With successful spells at clubs such as Corinthians, Grêmio and the Brazilian national team itself, the coach has a track record that puts him in a position to understand, perhaps like few others, the relationship between performance on the field and fans' expectations. For him, this connection is clear: “Do you know how to win fans? Do you know how I won over the fans of the other clubs I played for? Win an important title”, he declared.

The phrase highlights the centrality of titles in football, especially in mass clubs like Flamengo. In Brazil, the culture of results is intense, and Tite recognizes that fans have a limited tolerance for negative results. Winning titles, for him, is the key to gaining the support of the fans, and anything other than that results in discontent: “If not, bye.”

This last part of Tite's speech summarizes the characteristic impatience of demanding fans like Flamengo. The coach makes it clear that, without obtaining relevant trophies, the relationship with the fans deteriorates quickly. The pressure is constant and is part of the daily life of those who take on the leadership of top teams. Tite seems, however, to be aware of this scenario and how it needs to be faced.


Flamengo fans flock to Tite's comments on social media after the defeat

The club has its greatest moment of inconstancy



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Tite's statement came after a delicate moment for Flamengo. The defeat to Peñarol, at home, in a group stage match of the Copa Libertadores, raised alarm bells for fans and the coaching staff. Flamengo had high expectations for the season, especially after major reinforcements and the arrival of Tite, a coach with wide recognition on the national and international scene.

The pressure on Flamengo is nothing new. The club, which has one of the biggest fans in the world, is known for its high expectations for titles. The expensive squad, made up of renowned players, also increases this demand. Each stumble is widely covered by the media and amplifies the dissatisfaction of part of the fans, who demand immediate results.


The Copa Libertadores, in particular, has a important meaning for Flamengo and its fans. The continental tournament is seen as one of the club's main objectives each season. Any result other than victory can generate dissatisfaction and pressure on the technical committee, as occurred after the setback against Peñarol.

In this context, Tite's speech not only recognizes the fans' dissatisfaction, but also is realistic in relation to what is expected from a club like Flamengo. The demand for titles is part of the package when taking over a club of this size, and the coach seems to be aware of this when he points out that he will only be able to win the support of the fans with significant victories.


Rio City Hall sets up special scheme for Flamengo and Bahia at Maracanã

From 6:45 pm onwards, there will be bans on vehicle traffic in the region where the match takes place.



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Rio City Hall has set up a special operation for this Thursday's game (12/09), between Flamengo and Bahia in the quarter-finals of the Copa do Brasil, which takes place at 9:45 pm, at the Maracanã stadium. CET-Rio, Comlurb, Municipal Guard and Public Order Secretariat will carry out special actions around the stadium. The Operations Center will intensify monitoring on the streets near Maracanã with cameras. The total number of agents employed by Rio City Hall is approximately 400 agents.

From 6:45 pm onwards, there will be bans on vehicle traffic in the region where the match takes place.

From 6:45 pm until 1:45 am the following day

– Rua Professor Eurico Rabelo;

– Rua Artur Menezes;

– Rua Conselheiro Olegário;

– Rua Isidro de Figueiredo;

– Rua Visconde de Itamarati, between Rua São Francisco Xavier and Avenida Professor Eurico Rabelo;

– Avenida Maracanã, both directions, between Avenida Rei Pelé and Rua São Francisco Xavier;

– Avenida Rei Pelé, towards Centro, between Rua São Francisco Xavier to the height of the Indian Museum;

– Oduvaldo Cozzi Viaduct and its accesses;

– Rua Mata Machado, between Avenida Paula Sousa and Avenida Maracanã;

– Avenida Professor Manoel de Abreu, between Rua São Francisco Xavier and Avenida Rei Pelé, towards the Center;

– Rua Dona Zulmira, between Avenida Professor Manoel de Abreu and Rua São Francisco Xavier .


From 10 am until 1:45 am the following day

– Rua Visconde de Itamarati, between Rua São Francisco Xavier and Rua Professor Eurico Rabelo;

– Rua Isidro de Figueiredo;

– Rua Artur Menezes;

– Rua Conselheiro Olegário;

< – Avenida Paula Sousa, left side, between Rua São Francisco Xavier and Rua Professor Eurico Rabelo.


Vehicles must use the following alternative routes:

Coming from the Center and South Zone

-To Tijuca: Use Avenida Paulo de Frontin and Rua Dr. Satamini, or follow Praça da Bandeira, Rua Pará or Rua Paraíba and then Rua Mariz e Barros;

-To Vila Isabel and Grajaú: Use Avenida Paulo de Frontin and Rua Dr. Satamini, or follow Praça da Bandeira, Rua Pará or Rua Paraíba, Rua Mariz e Barros and then Rua Major Ávila and Rua Felipe Camarão;

-For the Grande Méier region: Use Rua Visconde de Niterói.

Sources da Tijuca, Grajaú, Vila Isabel and surrounding areas

-For the Center and South Zone: Use Rua Conde de Bonfim and Rua Haddock Lobo.

Coming from Grande Méier

-For the Center and South Zone: Use Rua Visconde de Niterói.


– Respect the places and times where traffic is prohibited. parking;

– Give preference to public transport, such as the Supervia train and the subway;

– Avoid driving around the region where the football match will take place;

– For everyone's safety, pedestrians should only cross roads at marked locations.


The effective CET-Rio will have 60 traffic agents and supporters, 7 operational vehicles and 12 motorcycles who will be involved in guiding traffic. Furthermore, to reinforce traffic information, 13 variable message boards will provide information on closure times and alternative routes. The entire package is in favor of road safety, traffic fluidity, maintenance of free intersections, as well as guidance for pedestrians, fans and drivers.

Technicians from CET-Rio, at the Rio Operations Center (COR ), will monitor all traffic movement using cameras so that, if necessary, adjustments can be made to the traffic signal programming with the aim of ensuring good road conditions.

The Rio Operations Center will be the centralizer information from Rio City Hall's operational teams and will monitor the surroundings of the stadium and nearby streets with 55 cameras. In the Situation Room of the public facility, located in Cidade Nova, 50 agents will monitor the region and provide agents on the streets with privileged information, aiming to provide comfort and alternatives for fans. All information will be available to Rio citizens through the Operations Center's social networks (@operacoesrio) or through the COR website and application, which is COR.Rio.


The Public Order Secretariat (Seop) and the Rio Municipal Guard (GM-Rio) will work with 195 agents in the operational scheme for the game between Flamengo and Bahia, which will be held on Thursday (12/09), from 9:45 pm, at the Maracanã Stadium, in the North Zone of Rio.

The teams start working from 4:45 pm, focusing on urban planning, fluidity traffic and combating illegal parking around the stadium. The best way to get to the event is by public transport, as some roads will be blocked and there will be no parking spaces available around the stadium. The operation will have the support of 50 vehicles, including cars, motorcycles and trailers.


Comlurb has prepared a special cleaning scheme for departure between Flamengo x Bahia, for the 2024 Copa do Brasil, on Thursday (12/09), at 9:45 pm, at Maracanã. The services will be carried out in the external area and around the stadium, including a cleaning point in Praça da Bandeira, in three shifts, before, during and after the game. The first shift will start at 8 am, including the sidewalks, access to the entrance ramps and the main roads.

The operational planning foresees the presence of 96 professionals, 85 of whom are street cleaners. The teams will work with the support of a large sweeper and five trucks, two of which are satellite types, two compactors and a dumper. Two water tanks and a motor pump will be used to wash the area with recycled water. 70 240-liter containers will also be placed for the correct disposal of waste around the stadium.


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