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Like this? Caixa Econômica asks for the auction of the Gasometer land to be annulled; City Hall counters

It is worth remembering that Flamengo already purchased the site last week

Photo: Reproduction
Photo: Reproduction


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Last Wednesday (31), the Flamengo celebrated the victory in the auction for the purchase of the Gasologista land, where the club intends to build the stadium. Mais Querido paid R$138,195 million last Friday (2). However, Caixa Econômica Federal requested the annulment of the bidding process and expressed discomfort with the scene of politicians wearing red and black shirts at the event.

It is worth remembering that Caixa is the owner of the investment fund that owned the land and alleges that the auction left the purpose of the expropriation deviating. According to the bank, the objective was to benefit Flamengo. According to information from the Mundo portal Rubro-Negro, the bank's petition uses expressions such as “blatant and without a shadow of a doubt”, “surprising a total of zero people”.

Thus, according to information from the Mundo Rubro-Negro portal, the bank filed the petition last Friday (2) in a process sent to the Federal Court. Another point that bothered Caixa was the fact that politicians from Rio appeared at the auction wearing the shirt of Flamengo, celebrating the situation.


With Caixa's complaints, the Rio City Hall accuses the former owner of the land of not carrying out the necessary care for the Gasometer space. Therefore, the municipality requests immediate possession of the area to help Mais Querido.

“As can be seen from the photos in the attached file and reproduced below, the property, in addition to being contaminated by the long years of use, in gas distribution services, it is ABANDONED and WITHOUT FULFILLING ITS SOCIAL FUNCTION, despite being located in a strategic area of ​​the City (Port Region), which reinforces the URGENCY in the request for provisional permission to take possession of the asset”, says the City Hall.< /p>CHECK THE NOTE FROM CAIXA ECONÔMICA“As reported in all press vehicles, only the Clube de Regatas do Flamengo attended the auction, accompanied by politicians wearing t-shirts from the aforementioned football club , happy and singing fans. A real party! This party, unfortunately, was held to the detriment of other people's assets, in this case, the FIIPM, whose sole shareholder is the FGTS. In other words, at the end of the day, a party with the public assets of all Brazilian workers.”“It is necessary to highlight a relevant point: at no time were Caixa and FIIIPM opposed to the project of Stadium. Negotiations were ongoing. The object of this resignation is based on the strategy adopted, illegally and unconstitutionally, to ensure that the aforementioned land was acquired by the Clube de Regatas do Flamengo for a price much lower than the market price.”“ There is, therefore, concrete proof of the occurrence of a competition aimed at benefiting a single private entity, which submitted a proposal at the minimum price without the slightest fear of being surpassed by a competing proposal, given the prior certainty of the total absence of competitiveness in said competition, all the result of an act fraught with the most flagrant misuse of purpose that now, as boasted by the Petitioner since the filing of this measure, has taken place in the most blatant and obvious way, before the eyes of the entire society and ostensibly reported in the press”. “For this reason, the Petitioners request the suspension of the effects of the aforementioned auction, as well as all acts resulting from it, in order to avoid the alienation of the useful ownership of the property, so that, in the end , the nullity of the expropriation act is definitively recognized, in order to allow such illegality to be interrupted and that CAIXA and FIIPM can return to the negotiation table with the Clube de Regatas do Flamengo (and/or with any other interested in acquiring the land) and conclude, in a republican manner and in accordance with the laws of this country, any purchase and sale transaction, as occurs in any situation of this nature, that is, reaching a consensus regarding price.”


Women's football: 6 former players win lawsuit against Flamengo

There are still 8 lawsuits against the club in court; Fla can appeal



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Controversies always seem to surround Flamengo, and yet another unexpected piece of news involving the club came to light this Wednesday (18), this time related to women's football. Rubro-Negro was condemned by the courts in a case brought by six former players, with a decision that surprised everyone.

The action, which had been ongoing since 2021, resulted in a conviction worth R$3.2 million. According to information from Uol, the names of the players were not revealed, but they were released during the reformulation of the sport in 2022 and were seeking recognition of a professional bond with Flamengo.

Flamengo, which maintains a partnership with the Brazilian Navy did not pay the athletes directly, as they were third sergeants. They played for the club between 2015 and 2021, a period in which they won the Brazilian Women's Championship. However, the players argued that the practice adopted by the club and the Navy was irregular, according to the partnership contract.

“An item in the cooperation term made it clear that the Navy would not provide financial resources, nor would it carry out the direct transfer of facilities. Flamengo was intentionally omitted to pay the athletes”, guarantees lawyer Rafael Cunha.

Possibility of appeal

Despite the initial decision, Flamengo can still appeal. The Regional Labor Court of Rio de Janeiro unanimously understood that Flamengo benefited from the situation and determined that the club must record the athletes' contributions in their Work Cards, in addition to paying the due salaries and other labor obligations.

In addition to these six players, eight others also filed lawsuits against Flamengo for the same reason, but their trials have not yet taken place. In response to Uol, the club commented on the case:

“Of the nine legal actions involving former Navy athletes and coaches, eight had court decisions removing the employment relationship with the Clube de Regatas do Flamengo, considering that these are exclusively third-level Navy sergeants”, he says.


Children from the Jogaremos Juntos project visit red-black judo in Gávea

In total, 70 children, from the Cantagalo and Queimados centers, had the chance to practice the sport under the guidance of high-level professionals



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Last week, children who practice judo in the social project Jogaremos Juntos, promoted by Flamengo's Social Responsibility, had an unforgettable experience. They visited the club's headquarters, in Gávea, and trained alongside Flamengo's judo teachers and athletes, experiencing a day full of learning, discipline and sportsmanship.

In total, 70 children, from centers of Cantagalo and Queimados, had the chance to practice judo under the guidance of high-level professionals, reinforcing the values ​​of the sport, such as respect, determination and teamwork.

At the dojô, the children were welcomed by the coach of the under-13 and under-15 red-black judo teams, Rodrigo Domiciano, who, together with club athletes, shared his experiences and spoke about the importance of dedication to progress in the sport. “In the midst of so many negative references, it is essential that these children have positive references. Here they can see that it is possible to reach a higher degree, seek a black belt, seek important competitions and this will change their realities”, he said.

For many, the day was a unique opportunity to become inspire, dream big and continue following the path of sport. “The children came very excited. They've been talking about coming here to Flamengo for a week. It's important for them to be here, in a different place, with so much structure... This all makes them want to dedicate themselves more”, said professor Alves, who teaches judo at Jogaremos Juntos - Núcleo Queimados. Cantagalo resident Leda Maria Pereira de Macedo, mother of student Davi, added. “Children who live in communities need sports so they don't get lost and judo has already got my son back on track. He now has discipline, he has become another child! Davi takes a shower, goes to bed early... I'm very happy. I'm very grateful to have the project there”, she praised.

With its own methodology, Jogaremos Juntos is an education project through sport, based on socio-emotional skills. Through it, children and young people have the opportunity to work on self-knowledge, resilience, empathy, focus and other skills that they learn from sports and put into practice to face and overcome challenges in life, whether at school, in family or with friends.

In total, the project serves 800 children in six communities in Rio de Janeiro - Cantagalo Pavão Pavãozinho, Complexo do Alemão, Vila Aliança, Morro do Banco, Santa Cruz and Queimados - with classes football, judo, basketball, artistic gymnastics and volleyball. The project is encouraged by the Federal Sports Incentive Law and has Shell as a sponsor.


Flamengo sees suspension of Caixa and City Hall actions as positive

The Club believes that this is the best route to end the dispute that prevents it from receiving possession of the land



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Flamengo is waiting for good news to resolve the legal imbroglio involving the possession of the Gasologista land, acquired at auction at the end of July. Last Friday, Caixa Econômica Federal, former administrator of the fund that owns the land, and the City of Rio de Janeiro formalized a request for a 90-day suspension of legal proceedings to continue negotiations at the Public Administration Mediation and Conciliation Chamber Federal.

The information was published by the newspaper O Globo. This suspension is part of an agreement that also involves Flamengo, with the aim of ending the legal dispute and allowing the club to take possession of the land. Flamengo has already paid R$138 million for the 87,000 square meters of Gasometer, in addition to an additional amount of R$7.8 million, following a judicial review.

The club believes it should not pay more for the land. An independent audit report from the fund, managed by Caixa, indicated a price of R$240.5 million for the land — a value close to what Flamengo had initially offered. However, as the negotiations did not progress, the City Council opted to expropriate the land, claiming "public utility and interest", which generated a series of legal actions, including questioning the action of Mayor Eduardo Paes.

Now, there is the possibility that the expropriation will be canceled, through the transfer of the amount already paid by Flamengo, around R$146 million, to the City Hall. However, the agreement still depends on the definition of the final value, which has always been a point of divergence between Flamengo and Caixa.

Flamengo does not yet have official possession of the land, which prevents the club from continue studies and preliminary actions for the construction of the new stadium, such as laying the foundation stone. The 8th Public Finance Court of the District of the Capital approved the sale, but transferred jurisdiction to the Federal Court, where Caixa and the Union contest the legality of the auction.



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