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Meeting will be next Monday, in Gávea

Gasometer / Disclosure
Gasometer / Disclosure


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Flamengo's board of directors called on members of Deliberative Council for a meeting next Monday, at 6:30 pm, at the club's headquarters, in Gávea. The purpose of the meeting is to vote on the release of the initial bid of approximately R$ 138 million in the auction of the Gasologista land, where the club intends to build its new stadium.

“Authorize Flamengo to participate in the auction and offer bids at a value equal to or greater than the valuation, so that Flamengo can acquire the aforementioned property at a value it deems fair, reasonable and compatible with its financial health”, states an excerpt from the call document.

After the expropriation determined by Mayor Eduardo Paes, the minimum bid was established at R$ 138,195,000.00. Apparently, Flamengo will be the only participant in the auction to acquire the land, which belonged to an investment fund managed by Caixa.

The Gasmetro land, located in a strategic area of ​​the city, is seen by Flamengo's board of directors as the ideal location for the construction of a new stadium, which would meet the needs of the club and its vast fans. The acquisition of this land is a fundamental step in the implementation of this ambitious project.

Approval of the initial bid by the Deliberative Council is crucial so that Flamengo can safely advance in negotiations and guarantee the purchase of the land. The expectation is that, with the new home, the club will be able to further increase its revenue and provide a unique experience for its fans.


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After the 1-1 draw between Flamengo e Vasco, Tite took more than an hour to attend the post-game press conference, leaving journalists and fans curious about the reason for the wait. When finally starting the press conference, Flamengo's coach explained that the delay was a consequence of a need to process the result and balance his emotions.

According to Tite, the red-black team's performance during the classic was positive, but the score it didn't reflect what he expected from the game. "My delay was precisely to assimilate the team's great performance, but the lack of results", stated the coach. He highlighted that he was visibly uncomfortable with the draw, which led him to seek calm before talking to the press: "I was upset, that's why it took me so long to come. I have to balance myself to talk to you."


This is not the first time that Tite admits to needing time to control his emotions after matches that do not bring the expected result. The coach, known for his meticulousness, tends to be thoughtful in his statements, avoiding making hasty analyzes right after games, when emotions are still running high.

The draw in the classic between Flamengoand Vasco was particularly frustrating for Tite, who hoped to leave with the three points. Despite recognizing the team's good performance on the field, the final result was not what was desired, generating frustration not only for him, but also among the fans, who had high expectations for the match.


Flamengo has problems with Gabigol - Understand

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Coach Tite, from Flamengo, confirmed that Gabigol, one of the club's recent idols, now occupies third place in the team's attack. The decision sparked discussions among fans and experts, but, according to the coach, the choice was based on technical criteria and recent performance. During a press conference, Tite was asked about the change in the attack hierarchy and explained the reasons that led him to prefer other players in front of Gabigol. “Training, games, specifically.

Carlinhos decisive against Bolívar. Carlinhos decisive against Atlético Mineiro, with a goal. Decisive against Vitória. That's why the option was made", said the coach, highlighting Carlinhos' recent performances as a key factor in his decision.

This change in command of the attack reflects Tite's management style, which values ​​performance and meritocracy. Since arriving at Flamengo, the coach has adopted a discourse that no one has a guaranteed place in the team, regardless of name or history. This can be clearly seen in this decision, in which a player like Gabigol, who was once crucial. in Flamengo's recent titles, he loses space to a colleague who is going through a good phase.


Carlinhos, the new holder of the position, has shown himself to be decisive in important matches , as Tite highlighted. Against Bolívar, Atlético Mineiro and Vitória, he played a fundamental role in the success of Flamengo, whether with goals or participation in important plays. These factors were enough to guarantee the coach's preference in placing him as the main option in attack.

Gabigol's situation, on the other hand, seems to reflect a phase of adaptation to the new command. Although he is a renowned player and beloved by the fans, his current phase has not been as brilliant as that of other periods of his career. In training and games, according to Tite, Gabigol has not been able to stand out to the point of regaining his starting position.


And this one? Caixa requests R$1 billion from Flamengo for land in Gasometer

Bank asks for billion-dollar compensation to free up land in the Port Zone

Photo: Reproduction
Photo: Reproduction


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New information has emerged about the legal impasse involving Caixa Econômica Federal and the Gasologista land, located in the Port Zone of Rio de Janeiro, where Flamengo's future stadium is planned. The state bank demands compensation of R$1.08 billion to free up the area for the club.

According to the website Exame, Caixa is charging R$240 million for land ownership and R$840 million for air rights for the work, which would allow for an expansion of the construction potential of the stadium project. Only with the payment of this amount would the bank be willing to provide the site for construction.

In 2024, the City of Rio de Janeiro, led by Mayor Eduardo Paes, expropriated the Gasometer land. Mais Querido then acquired the area at an auction for R$146 million. However, Caixa Econômica challenged the transaction in court, triggering a long legal battle that has not yet been resolved.


To try to resolve the conflict, Flamengo, City Hall and Caixa are looking for an agreement that could put an end to the legal disputes. A deadline of mid-November this year was set for the parties to reach a consensus and make progress on the stadium project possible.



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